B3@UT!FUL N!GHTM@R3 profile picture


You can't tell a woman you love her are you stupid? Words don't express your love you gotta prove it

About Me

Wass good yall dis ya gurl A- Dizzle....I'm american my birth but Jamaican by heart....anything else u wanna know...juss ask and u shall receive.....Most importantly I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses soon to be official 08/07.....
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The Basics
Name: Ashley
Height: 5'5
Eye color: brown by birth- green by choice
Hair color: brown n blonde
Birthday: July 31st
Single or taken?: Officially Taken!!
Your sn?: nunya
~Friends~Who is the...
person you've known longest?: Mike
funniest?: My boo
most outgoing?: Willie
daring?: Scott
best personality?: My baby again
most athletic?: Ashley
most honest?: All if dem I hope
craziest?: Too many to choose just one
loudest?: Willie...fo sho
kindest?: Dey all r in dere own way
open-minded?: Only kind of friends I keep
best listener?: That goes to my love again
Have you ever
sat on a rooftop?: Yes....why?...das a different story
danced in a public place?: fo sho... aint shy
smiled for no reason?: Yes...might not want to do that though when people are watchin...not a good look
laughed so hard you cried?: All da time
been to another country?: Yess....JA stand up!!!
been drunk?: I found god and thats all that matters
been in love?: No need for been...when I hope to be
In a guy/girl
best physical feature: physical not as appealing as spiritual and mental
height: 6'1 and up
weight: as long as dere aint no rolls we good
personality or looks?: personality fo sho...looks is as temporary as time
conservative or sleezy?: fresh to death
eye color: nothing specific
hair: fresh cut
sport: tennis, feeling basketball now
food: macaroni and cheese....down south style
number: eight- iss never ending
color: pink....
tv show: spongebob!! Got a prollum?
movie: Notebook stole my heart away
flavor of ice cream: cookies n cream always
gum: trident- with the honeydew and cantelope
teacher: Mrs. Fultz
musical artist: Too many to pick 1
website: watchtower
actor: depends
actress: depends too!!
type of movie: depends on da mood
candy: twix!!
roller coaster: Nitro
sport team: Uhhhh
country: JA STAND UP!!
state: Dirty Jerzzz
What is..
the best year you've ever had?: Freshmen or Senior
best class you've been in?: Mrs. Derose English
the thing you always have with you?: chapstic and lip gloss
your weakness?: so cliche but love
your fear?: unforseen occurance
goal for this year?: be baptized!!
your best feature: I let my boo do da judgin
most missed memory: My sister RIP 2/13/2005
your greatest accomplishment: Dealing with losin my other 1/2 mah sis
do you sing?: lol the ? is can I
do you dance?: Of course Im jamaican remember
words overused?: ur wylin
been on a roller coaster?: of course
what celeb do people say you look like?: for some reason ppl say I look Like lil kim...I think personally iss a insult
can you whistle?: yess!! Even with my hands!!!
can you blow a bubble?: all kinds
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My Interests

reading, poetry, luv music, and full time pioneering soon

I'd like to meet:

DiSz Isz No OrDiiNARY Lov3..DEDiiKATED Every m0ment that im away every hour of every day i LOVE how you take my breath away...in y0ur arms im safe && secure every care around me melts away when u hold me i forget every word that i wanted to say i am freely lost in your love theresz no one else for me i surrender completelymy hearts racing im shaking caught up in the love were making this is no this is no ordinary love oh baby your skin on my skin its so good i feel like crying this is no this is no ordinary lovei dont neva wana say goodbye i could never breathe even survive baby your my reason why i belive theres meaning in my life i have faith in love faith in us and faith that this right i surrender forever tonightextraordinary more than special every moment were together more than love more than enough im never leaving ever every second every minute love it allmy hearts racing im shaking caught up in the love were making this is no this is no ordinary love oh baby your skin on my skin its so good i feel like crying this is no this is no ordinary love... Yu Dnt nEEd Nuthiin at aLL Buh Meh ♥♥


Luv my reggae, some rap n r&b, and alota others lol


I like alota movies....buh mah favorite would have to b the series of the princess classics...4 dose dat don kno wha dat is...iss like the little mermaid or cinderella...yes I luv them and wha?


Spongbob 2 da fullest..nothin compares


A B O U T . M E
T H E . B A S i C S
NAME?: A- Dizzle Fo- shizle
AGE?: old enuff
PARENTS TOGETHER?: Nooo....but its ok what doesnt kill u makes u stronger
SiBLiNGS?: yesss....one in a temporary deep sleep....the other a pain in my behind...both older
-: also now have 2 younger!!! Luv my fam
HAiR COLOR?: Brown n blonde till I get bored of that
EYE COLOR?: depends
BRACES?: noooo!!!
GLASSES?: nooo!!
PiERCiNGS?: ears
TATOOS?: nope nope
L O V E . A N D . W H A T N O T
SiNGLE/TAKEN?: Iss official
HAVE U EVER BEEN iN LOVE?: past should be left there...hope to be...yes
DO U REMEMBER UR FiRST LOVE?: its unfortunate
STiLL LOVE HiM/HER?: nahhh....it was young love....matured alot since then
DO U BELiEVE THE SAYiNG.. ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER?: No...buh Ive never experienced that...although I do believe everyone has the power to chane
W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N
WHO CAME OVER?: Book Study
YOU HUGGED?: hahaha my younga sis sherelle....
YOU KiSSED?: myself
YOU SAiD ..i LOVE YOU.. TO?: Jehovah
YOU CALLED?: My babbbyy
CALLED YOU?: My boo boo head
D O . Y O U
TWiRL UR HAiR?: yes
DRiNK/SMOKE?: I am a god fearing person!!
DO DRUGS?: I get high on life
HAVE ANY BAD HABiTS?: I suck my thumb..hahaha
BELiEVE iN GOD?: Always and foreva...wouldnt be this far if I didnt
HOW ABOUT THE DEViL?: Unfotunately it's hard not to when he constantly univitedly comes into ur life
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My sister who passed away Feb. 13, 2005.....she displayed the greatest example of faith to Jehovah on her death bed......

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