TED, books, photography, stickers, weapons, girly shit, music, art history, messing up then venting, shopping, solitude, urban visuals, vitamins, slacking, obsessing, superpowers, movies, waste, insanity, funny mean things to say, environmental awareness, ash production, trivia, stupid dogs, chicks, cosmos, dissing, Family(inc.dogs), cartoons and talking about them, philosophy, Asia, B&W, cutting stuff, journeys
rock, reggae, brit stuff, chill-out, ambient, punk, post-punk, pop-like lalalas, noisy songs for mourning, steady songs for the good times, silence
pirated or borrowed.
i think im allergic.
fat ones with action or those fun, twisted ones. or those that make you wanna hug or just MAKE YOU. if the book MAKES YOU, its a good book. and i should read it.
the voice in my brain going "CEREAL! CEREAL!"