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Elena Diena

About Me

About twelve years ago, in a completely unexpected, unintentional way, my soul opened onto an unknown spiritual world, populated by spiritual entities that have been guiding me through their universal world. Since then my life has totally changed, whilst my home has become a destination for many people who wish to get to know me, and obtain that consolation which leads to GOD. The explanations I am offering on these topics are not my own, but such as are suggested by my inner locution. I hardly know how to define what has been happening to me. A lot of people call me charismatic, others psychic or a seer, whilst theologians would speak of a mystic gift. I know that in my mind, I hear things I do not know, and which prompt me to talk about physics, medicine and other subjects which are deemed very interesting by competent people. My faculties are very known in the Italian world of paranormal and spiritual research I have published various books ( all inspired me by the other dimension ) enlightening about explanation of the other dimension and resurrection of our body of light ( photonic). I have written, in the form of dictation ,books for young people about cosmic adventures. Now I have a dream: transfer these adventures in a film for the young generation.It is like an urgent that I feel inside me about this project.I'm tryng to find someone that can help me in realizing this dream like screenwriter or someone else .I think that in America is more easy to realize this project because in Italy there is resistance about paranormal activity and psichics. I myself am loved but also hated from the people that don't believe to the paranormal phenomena. I also do inspired paintings that you can see together in my website www.nathael.it www.myspaceeditor.it

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other psichics like me and someone that can help me to realizing a film from my book for young people

My Blog

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