Rock climbing, Anything listed in the music section, I am trying to get more rock and punk from Europe too, SKIING,Riding my 250,Mountain biking, Hiking, Fishin', Outdoorsie stuff in general. I am begining to gain an interest in ultralights, but don't have an income to support it. I am also interested in freaks.
Other funky individuals Who's you're buddy?
I listen to METAL, only METAL. HEAVY METAL is my lifes blood. It is the only thing worth listening to. If it's not METAL it's crrrap, and PUNK. I listen to PUNK ROCK, but only the hardest GRIND CORE available. If my ears aren't bleeding and It isn't damaging my sanity I want nothing to do with it. I do have some rockabilly too, but it's more psycobilly, yeah, psycobilly. Growling at The Devil, raisin' the dead. Kick ass. I guess that I do have a lot of Led Zeppelin. Actually I have all of thier albums, but they sang about some evil shit too, like The Hobbit. I have a lot of Queen to and Jethro tull, but I blame that on my father. I also have a lot of surf music, but there are sharks in the ocean and sharks are pretty kick ass. You know I think that I probably have a dozen or so bagpiping cd's too. If walking around in the snowy highlands of Scotland wearing nothing but an oversized wool scarf around your body, and making music by blowing into a leather sack isn't cool than cool doesn't exist.
Saving Private Ryan, Evil Dead II, Super Troopers, Sleepy Hollow, Dune, Black Hawk Down, 40 y/o Virgin, Swingers, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Lots of old B&Ws etc...
History, Discovery, TCM, and of course Robot Chicken and The Venture Brothers.
I'm in college. I read school books. It's bliss. Since December I've killed all 20 of the Sharps novels,(awesome),other that that most of what I read is autobiographical (war) novels. Oh yea and Harry Potter 'cause I'm a dork.
My dad, he is 69 this year and just got first place in another 10k in his age group(50+) not to mention he is just really cool, my mother of course, she is one of those people who is so smart that she is obnoxious with it,Truman, Benjamin Franklin, and DaVincci