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I am here for Friends

About Me

My sweet friends...Sarah's strength, Heather's care, Amanda's compassion, Paulette's spirit, Elisabeth's love, Jacki's sweetness, John Mark's faithfulness, James' heart, Eric's peace, Andrae's truth, Josh's joy...Jesus, loving & being loved, sincerity, Scottish accents, the anointing, walking around new cities, dark chocolate, my family, old friends, new friends, traveling, singing, decor, cobblestone streets, 1st class upgrades, songwriting, ipods & iphones, helping folks get free, being southern, macs, purity, the UK, coffee, creme brulee, tight harmony, school supplies, great jeans, San Pellegrino, birds of prey, Gibson guitars, Great Danes, NYC, L.A., balsamic vinegar, Edinburgh castle, cowboy boots, laughing so hard no sound comes out, a great sounding snare drum, all sorts of flowers, funky clothes, shopping in foreign lands, orange juice, confidence, my volkswagon, chandeliers, room service, truth, 5 star hotels, In & Out burgers, & anything that smells of citrus.THINGS I DISLIKE with a capital D:
roaches, insincerity, control spirits, tomatoes, manipulation, short shorts, judgement, boring white walls, smelly feet, weak handshakes, when people act like they're my best friend when they barely know me, arrogance, ear splitting feedback, being patronized, long plane rides, dirty rooms, disloyalty, neediness, lizards, when people try to be what they're not, cynicism, mustard, irresponsibility, trying on bathing suits, nasal voices, having a hard heart, anyone taking themselves to seriously...[lovemyflash]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hey folks...this profile is for my "real life" if I don't really know you, please be so kind as to friend request me at my music Thanks! Oh and I wanna meet Oprah and Bono.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


My Blog

EK - aspiring librarian, bust-a-move, tap dancing princess Kate shakes it up. She's ready for dance classes this fall...or maybe she'll teach them something!!! My cousin Emma Kate...we Williams' like to dance!
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:45:00 GMT