KENNETH ALEXANDER DIGGS II, affectionally known as "
kaybass" in the music industry has lived his share of
professional experiences for his young life thus far.
He has always been attracted to music at a very young
age. His mother directed and sung with various artist
as Shirley Ceaser and The Caravans while his father
played the piano and bass guitar at various jazz clubs
on and abroad. " Kenneth as a young chid alwyas used
to go into the kitchen and pull out my pots, two
wooden spoons and bang away..." quoted his mother.
At the tender age of three, Kenneth would go to
rehearsals with his mother and bang on his legs and
mimic everything any musician at the time would do. At
the age of 7, he was baptised at Sweethome Missionary
Baptist Church in Miami, FL and was offered the chance
to play for the youth choir for the church. He played
there till the age of 12 when his mother up-rooted and
moved to Temple Hills, MD. There he continued his
musical gift at Thurgood Marshall Middle School where
he became 1st chair of the Hnors All-County Band
consisting of all Southern Maryland High Schools.
But it was not until, at the age of 14, that he
found his love for the bass guitar! " It was like a
child who's been searching for his father his whole
life finally finding him.." Quoted Kenneth in a bass
guitar magazine published in St. Louis in the late
part of '05. Ever since picking up the bass, God has
taken his talent and gift to a whole new level!!
His first major engadgement at the age of 16 was
with gospel artist Dorinda Clark-Cole at Praise in the
park at Six Flags in MD. Right after that engadgement,
Dorinda took him back to Detroit to meet her sisters
and thus after that he began playing and touring with
the Clark Sisters and then young Kierra "kiki" Sheard.
Thru out the tour, one of the cities that the tour
stopped in was Louisville, KY where after the show, he
was giving the opportunity by, minister of music
Joclynn Clayborn, to move there to become the musical
director for Canaan Christian Church. Kenneth gladly
accepted and moved to KY.
There at the age of 19, he served as the musical
director for the music department of Canaan. While
there, he hooked up with Jason Clayborn and Thee
Ensemble and was giving the opportunity to become the
bassplayer for the group. " Jason is my partner in
ministry but also my brother!!!" It was there that
after the first rehearsal, Kenneth found his best
friend. When he first spotted, then LaToya Danielle
Dunn, he knew immediately that was his wife! They
quickly grew to know each other and there love for
God, music, and each other grew!!
While serving at the church, he married LaToya in
June 05 where out of their union came Ke'Torah Mone
Diggs. Kenneth also served along side her father in
music ministry at the church until his passing. "
Jeffrey instilled in me the fear of God, the theory of
music, and how to lead a music department. "He was the
father i've never had and its because of him that my
walk with God would never be the same!!" Quoted
He continued to travel and perform at such venues as
AIM Convention, Thomas A. Dorsey Convention, Perry
Stone Conference, Winterfest over Texas, Bobby
Artist of whom Kenneth has traveled, played, toured
or even did sessions with include:The Dunn Sisters, The Clark Sisters,
Kierra " kiki" Sheard, The 7 Show( Kansas City), Kevin
Terry, Steve Mccoy, Kenneth Hillard, Restine Jackson,
Earl MUschette and New Mob, Jason Clayborn and Thee
Ensemble, Vashawn Mitchell, Stephen Hurd, Marvin Sapp,
Brent Jones, Natalie Wilson, Maurette Brown- Clark,
Martha Muninzi, Byron Cage, Rodney Bryant, Neicey
Robertson, NCGCC Youth Department, Pastor Bruce
Parham, Steven Ford, Rodney Posey, CSUN Choir, Byron
Nichols, Asaph Ward, Maurice Rodgers, Georgia Mass
Choir, Curtis Bridgeman, Vicki Winans, Adriane Archie,
Shavonne Wells, Deon Kipping, Johnathan Dunn and many
more!!Bass + God's mysterious ways = Bassterious Productions LLC
" Isaiah 55: 8"
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