Hey, My Name Is Ginger Renee Martin and Im 29 Years old. Im an Aunt To two nephews and a neice.Im a very organized person and I always want things to be perfect even though there not. I love to work outside in my yards and I keep my house clean.Cant stand a mess.I have very special friends in my life and i think god for them everyday. My family is my world.I have the best mother in the world that anyone could ask for and She needs a lung transplant.Im working on getting her one soooo hard because she is my world and i dont want to loose her. My Dad is the only man in my life that means anything to me right now, And So Is My Husband. If it wasnt for Them Helping me on things i cant do I dont know where i would be. I have a brother in Mississippi but i never see him anymore and hardly talk to him and that is hard also. Im just going through a tough time right now and I thank God each and every day for the life he has given me cause hes BLESSED me with alot of people who love me.I just recently got a few horses and there a handful to take care of along with all of my other animals (kitten,3 dogs, rabbit and whatever else comes around.Well i guess this pretty much raps it up so have a great time viewing my profile.
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