性的に 象徴的 *~ShE GoT BRaInS & BeAuTy* profile picture

性的に 象徴的 *~ShE GoT BRaInS & BeAuTy*

*~SuPerst@rR gL@MoUr cHiCk,cL@sSiFiEd B@DDEsT,...AlL-aRoUNd MOdeL NoT geNerIc Or PLasTIc...!!!~* Sac

About Me

R.i.p M.B. MvB Yo bOyy BoYy...!!!
IM KaStUrI ...!!!SoMe CaLL MeeH KaSTeWy oR StEWY ...!!!ThE iMpoRtAnTs KNoW MeeH as *Ace_Kay* ThEE ASiA pRincEss !!! 16 yEaRs YoUnG .. JaPaNeSe, bElIzEaN, bLaCk, Nd InDiAn .... ReAl lAiD bAcK bUt i cAn BE WiLd N FuN wen I wAnT 2 bE...!!!ThAt lIbRa StAtus...LOVe It...!!! iM sUpEr sOlId aN LOVe sUpEr sOlId pPL..sOmE SaY Im FuN, sOmE SaY Im cRaZy, SoMe sAy iM PrEpPy nD SaDiTY aS HeLl.. MoMmIeZ onLy guRL sO DAMN RitE Im sPOiLeD... I gET WAt i WaNt,WEn I waNt,An WeRe I WAnT iT...VerY HIgh MaInTeNaNcE aNd A sEriOUS mAteRiAl girL...MoNeY Iz a mUsT..!!!LoVed by most EnViEd By ThEE IrReLeVaNt(AbSoLUTe nObOdIeZ)....!!! ;) SinGlE N' loViN iT...I aInT Ya RiDe oR DiE ChIcK...IM tHe cHIcK THaT a nIgha WoULD diE tO RiDe WItH...!!! thEzE GuYZ REaLLy nEEd 2 SteP THeRe LyVeZ uP!!! MoDEL tyPe cHICk...NeVer uR AvERAgE...Top oF ThE LInE Ladiie...I kNoW WErE I WAnna Go N'lifE aN wIll uSE My AcAdEmIc sMaRtS aN mY KilLeR LooKz ToO ghEt WerE i wannA Be...!!! All-sTaR cHeeRlEadEr AnD mIss pOpUlArIty aLl ArOuNd...ItZ a hArD TiTlE tOO MaInTaIn BHuT i MaK iT LoOk ReAllY Easy...!!! BAsIcAlly I jUsT lOvE BeInG Meeh So HAte It oR LOve iT, reAlLy dOeSnT MAtTeR WHiCh CuZ iM sTilL A SuPer bAdd cHICk...!!! ;)
L • I • B • R • A: The sex addictVery pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing n Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed? not the kind of person you wanna fuck with... u might end up crying... the most irresistible.Rare 2 find. Funny. Talkitive. Erotic. Smart. loves sports. gets what he/she wants. Loves to be in a relationship.
there are 4 types of females This is how it works ladies.. Okay... so a guy has 4 different types of girls..
1. Wifey
2. Boo
3. Bitches
1)Wifey is irreplaceable.. (thats me)but she is the only one that is the girl that the guy loves.. and will always loves, and he never wants to see her with another man.. But.. He will still mess with Boo's, Bitches', and Ho's until he is mature enough to realize that if he loses Wifey he would be screwed, and NEVER be happy again..
2) Boo is replaceable, she )thinks she's Wifey, but will NEVER be Wifey because Wifey was made for him and Wifey is irreplaceable.. she can NEVER replace her.. Boo tries to take Wifeys spot, but once she attempts, the guy allows her to get a TASTE of Wifey's spot... but will NEVER achieve her spot for any longer than a few months, then the man goes back to Wifey.. And Boo either gets replaced with another Boo, or, the man matures and decides that Wifey is the one for him.. (Ladies.. you don't want to be BOO)
3) Bitches.. A female that a male uses only for sex or other sexually related events.. (Ladies NEVER wanna be a man's Bitch)
4) Ho's.. ..enough said! (Ladies.. Get SMART)

My Interests

R.i.p M.B. MvB Yo bOyy BoYy...!!!

R.i.P ZeLLe(bRiZcheLLe), BoBo(KaMaLl)& tAnYa Boo (biTTaNyA miTcHeLLe nAsH)...!!! BB4eVeR...!!! aLwAyZ miSSiN & LOvIn yAuH....!!! FoRgET THaT o' PunK asS sHiiT(iNsIdER)...!!! My MaIn BIiTcH aN aLL THe CRazY sHIiT i WiLL nEvER foRGeT....!!! 1989-2007

.. Create Your Own
~DaaAaaAm DiS HOTt...AhA...LoL...(InSiDeR)!!! thEzE TwO finE GENtLeMeN rItE hERe Are....mY mAlAkAi BaBa'''PlEasE SAy da bAbA...!!!lMaO...i LOvE mY tYtY aN He LOvEs HIS nEnE...oR as TY-TO DA-tY saYz I loVe YHu MoRe NeNe...HaHa..hE bEeN cALLin Me THaT sInCe He CoULD tAlK aN nOoNe,,,NOoNe aT AlL knOeZ WhY??? yEsS... oNlY THeE CrEAtoR...loL,,,BHut i GUESs nOoNe CareZ CuZ dA wHole FAm CaLLZ mE N- tO- Da- E- Ne nOw...!!!LmFaO...!!! MaN WE go HaNd & hAnD aN we eVEN lOOk AlIKE...aHa...wE GHet iNtO sOmE cRaZy sTuFF I mEaN hiLaRiOUS...frOm MaKIn BrA brA MaD wIt thE cRip tAlK tO MAkiN mOMmY lAuGH WiTH oUr sIllY ASsEs...lMfAo WE Be CUTtIn Up IN DA pUbLiC...aHa hE Be ghEtTin @ dem LITTo asiAn gUrLz In Da PaRkZ...lol..."You uGlY"...*aAW ShItZ N gIggLeZ* "yO mOmma"(InSiDer)...!!! NAw My liL MaCk aTTacK Be pUllIn tOo...hUh He eVeN Be HeLPiN NeNe WiF hEr sKilLz,,, I mEAN wat CaN i SAY "NEnE bAdD ;)...Her bUssin"(hIs wOrDz NoT MINe)...!!!LoL AhA hE lEaRnZ sOMEthIn NeW EvERydAy...!!!EvERyBoDy waNtZ tO bE IN oUr bEaUtIfUl BuSSIN CiRcLe BHut MoSt Of THe tImE WE ExClUde thE WoRlD...juss mEEh aN mY TY...hA...I bEeN arOuNd SiNcE hE WAz aN infAnT aNd hEz ONlY 2 bHUt It SeeMz LIkE we bEEn ArOuNd EAChoThER fOr YeArZ...i loVe mY MInI mE tO deAtH...we GAnGsTa & CaNt nObOdY EvEr COMpArE tO Ty'Z nEnE LoL ;)aN hE ShOwZ iT EVERyTiMe Im ArOuNd(OfTeN)...!!! aHa...GHeT wIt It PPl...aNd aS fOr ThE Other cUtIe wItH nO Booty,,,weLL He ThInKz hEs thICkER ThAN mEEh bhUt we all nO wHo GoT tHaT JUicY...hAhAhA...!!!NaW bhUT THiS iS kAreEm AShToN sYKES,,, NO nEEd FoR eXplAiNIn hE Is WhAt He Is...I wIsH hE waS WhO hE UsE tO bE ThO bhUt ItS aLL GooD cUz He MaY nOT bE wHo i LIkEd HIm fOr BeInG bhUT hE LOvEs MeEh AnD Ill aLwayS loVe hIm AnD wIll aLwAyS bE HerE FoR hIm LIkE i PrOMiSeD...MaYbE ONe day the bAdd tYmEz WiLL PaSs BHut fOr NOw Im IN lOvE wIth ME aN DoiNg THe KasTeWy THiNg Ya dIgG...!!!Im BAcK..LoL aHa...WhOOt wHoot!!! yEsS!!!

RiTe HeREZ mY DaDa BaDa a.k.a KaLaKaLa(InSiDeR)...lOl An My StAcERIeZ A.K.A StAcE FaCe...!!!LOl iLL StArt wIf My DaDErIeZ...i LoVe THiS GiRl FRoM thE hEaRt MaN WE RoCk...I mEaN lItERaLlY we waLK ArOUnd thE house sInGin rOcK sOnGz An DaNcIn LiKe CrAZeD MaNiAcS...!!!loL...ShEll PuNcH mE An ilL DRoP KICk Her...hAhA we fIghT All tHe tImE bhUT ItS aLl ouT Of LoVe...!!! aN WE CaN cOmE Up wItH tHe fUnnIeSt,WEiRdIesT,RaNdOmIeSt THiNgS To sAy...AhA... ShAkE THaT fUnKy cHICkEn dADa PaNtS(InSiDer)...loL...!!! Now aBoUt mY StAcEm CaKeMs A.K.A mY sTaCeriEz...!!! maN I loVe hER LikE i loVe MySeLf...HaHa A mIghTY DaMn LOT....sHeZ aLwAyZ thEre fOr MEeH nO mATTeR WAt tHe cASe...Her fAvOrItE PhRaSE iS "sTuRi Im GoiNG tO KICk uR Ass"...loL... bhUt It aLwAyS mAkEs ME smILE cUZ i knOw iTs OuT Of loVe...ShE kEEpZ meeH On My P'z AnD q'Z...!!! we cAn tAlK fOreVer aNd ArE AlWaYs AgREeinG WiTh OnE AnOther...loL...GrEaT mIndS THInk alIKE...!!! Man This iS My MoTHER FrOm AnOther An I COuldNt HAvE ASKeD fOR AnYoNe bEttEr...!!! sHe aLwAyZ YeLLs aT Meeh aBoUT NoT coMing oVeR eVeN WEN i jusT leFT...lOl...sHeZ So sIllY...!!! sTaCy'Z thE BeST An I WoUlDnT TRaDe hER FoR THE WoRlD...!!! mY StAcERIeZ LOveS mAlAkAiS nEnE LoL aNd AS MaLaKaI SAYs...AnD i QuOtE "i loVe hER MORe." HaHa P.S. StAcE thIs PiCtURe AiNt BuDgIn TiLL I gHeT AnOthEr oNe tO puT Up....LOl...EvEn aFtER U kIcK mY Ass...!!!lMaO...aHa...YeSS!!!

Mii frEaKIn EfFiN SuPeR bAdd asS TwIn NeMhOe...-THAtZ hOtT!!! AhA iMa CoPyRiGHt thAt SHiiT...!!! yEsS!!! WE HaV 2 eFFiN mUcH in CoMMoN...yAuH aInT ReAdY 4 Us Ya knOe...!!! mAn I loVe ThIiS GuRl RiTe hEre yO bOyy bOyY...!!! i mEaN aT FiRsT i WAnTeD tO jApAnEsE drAg WhOOp Her aSS... hECKa yEA BrO. We sTaRTeD Off oN sOMe weAk asS ShIIT... loNg aSS StOrY...BHut 2 MAk A LOnG StOrY ShOrT yO; HeXa drAMa + 2 BaDD AsS, cLaSSy aSS, NOnImmAtUrE asS FEMaLeZ + a LoNg CoNvErSATiON - thE DuMb ShIIt + Alot oF loVe / We DoNt gIvE A fInGer in ThE mIddlE yA DiGg= mE & mY TwIn...dOwN tIll thEe eNd...YeeEH!!!hOtt sHiiT KIddz.... U BeTTeR lEaRn Ur MaTHeMAtIcZ bEEtChEsS...!!! We iN tHiiS baDD BoYy aN wE HerE 2 sTaY...mAdD sWAGg...THiIs My MaIn HaNd gRAnD sLaM bRoHaM...hAteRz a.k.a THeE fAnZ WE LOvE yHU oUt HeA yEa...kEEp It cOmiN...cUz weRe gOnnA KeeP BrInGiN THe sHiIt,,, HolD On KNoE We aRE THE sHiiT...aHa YeSs!!! SkEeT sKeeT WhOOoH,,, im OuT... !!!

I loVe BeIn A cLoNe wE Go So HArd...WErE lOOk aLiKeZ YO bOyy bOyY...!!!
~*Mii bIg cOuSiN BrAnDoN lAnEiCe...LOOkIn LiK T.I iN tHIiS FlIk...LOl...I lOvE My FaM...!!! ~*mII BiG SiStER KeYa~MaRiA....weRe lIKE PaRiS aNd nIcOlE...wIthOuT tHe SeAsoN fiNaLe...*~ MiI bIg SiSSy JUiCy...!!! I LoVe MY fAm ShE hOttEr THaN a SAuNa...!!! ~*Mr.FranK... i BeEn KnoWIn ThIIs duDE FoR hExA loNg..He gO reAl tAlK....*~ MiI J-bAbIi A.K.A SnOop & hEr HoMeDoGg GiLbERt A.K.A sCrUffY...loL...!!! I loVe Mii GEoRgEE PoRgEe sHe Go lmaO(INSiDer)...!!! ~*Mii lIL sIs/PaRTNer in CriMe/BB dInKerIEz....I lOvE Her 2 dEaTh...ThiIs my RiDe OR DiE...we CaN nEveR StAy ApArT...!!!My OnE nD oNlY porK FRiEd...!!!LMaO (iNsIdEr) ******MiI BiG bRo.RoDznEy-Z...THiIs a ReAl niGGA...mEadoWvIeW6900 GaNgStA...mY BrUh. GoT Me In AnY SiTuAtIoN aN aINt plAyIn WiT THeZe HaLf-A-nIggAz OUt hERe...He DoeZ iT lIvE & i goT MaDD Ass loVe 4 thIIS oNe...!!! iLL TaKE hEaDz 4 Ma BrOdEy...reAl Talk...hE WiT It...!!!ShINe 4 Meeh RoD rOd...!!! ~*MiI bIg sIsTer/ bEStEsT qUaIlA a.k.a QuESaDiLLA...i LoVe thIIS bEEzE...tIll deAtH do US paRt...LoL*~ ~*Mii bIg bro. ChRiS....wIt thIiS sIllY WiG On...i loVe This BoY reAL TaLK...He aLwAyZ gOt My BaCk...Im DoWn 4 ThIIs oNe Fa'ShO...*~ ~*mII HoTT asiAn cHiCk MIzChElle...I WuV hER...ShEz mII RoCk...!!! ~*Mii BiG SiS mIreyA...sHeZ sO gReat..I lUv ThIIS cHiCk...WE DoN SpEnD mUcH TiMe TogEther nOw BuT ThATZ gOnna ChAnGe AsaP...thIIs My guRl fOreVER WiTH Her sIllY Ass...sHe RoCkZ...!!! ~*mII BiG SiS CoYa bOO...I LOvE Her lIK CrAzY ; )*~ ~*TheE Ex-BaBIi AnThOnY...i sTilL GoT lOvE 4 HiM eVEN thOuGH WErE aPaRt...OnCE MY PaTnA AlWaYz mY paTnA...tHiIs BoY Had It...*~ LiL bRa. mAn....i KnoE TYmEz Are hArD bhUT U goTtA keeP uR HeaD Up An Be StRoNg...EvERytHinG THat oCCuRs IN lIfE iS juSt A PrEpArAtIOn fOr waT life iS Yet tO bRiNg YoU...!!! u WoNt evEr Be DeAlT MOrE tHaN u cAn HaNdLe,,,,JUss knOe thaT....kEEp uR hEaD 2 thA SkYyY aN lIl ViEw In Ur HeArT...!!! He wIll aLwAyS bE MISSeD in Da FlEssH BHuT wIll aLwAyS LIvEd ThrU HIs loVED OnEz An THee hOMiEz...!!! R.i.p MB yO bOyY bOyY...!!! fOrEvER WiLL yHU Be MIsSEd bhUT NeVer fOrGoTTeN....!!! ~*Mii SEXy cUlO aNgEl...HeZ bEen TheRe fOr mE SiNcE foReVEr aN AlWaYz by My SiDe Even wHeN iM A SPoilEd LitTo BrAt...I LOvE tHIs bOy reAl tAlK...!!! ~*Me & NaTe FoREver aGo...FloSsIn 4 THe camERA*~ ~*Mii bIg sIssyBo BaBy t*~ ~~~***mR.ChAdWiCk....ThiIs mII PaTnA...i bEaT hIm Up eVeryTiMe He Getz ouT OF lIne...LOl...hE THiNkZ heZ BaDd...BuT i AlWaYz pRoVe HiM WrOnG...lMaO...!!!

I'd like to meet:

found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com
4 types of females This is how it works ladies.. Okay... so a guy has 4 different types of girls..

1. Wifey
2. Boo
3. Bitches

1)Wifey is irreplaceable.. (thats me)but she is the only one that is She is the girl that the guy loves.. and will always loves, and he never wants to see her with another man.. But.. He will cheat on her with Boo, Bitches, and Ho's until he is mature enough to realize that if he loses Wifey he would be screwed, and NEVER be happy again..

2) Boo is replaceable, she )thinks she's Wifey, but will NEVER ,be Wifey because Wifey was made Wifey is irreplaceable.. she can NEVER replace her.. Boo tries to take Wifeys spot, but once she attempts, the guy allows her to get a TASTE of Wifey's spot... but will NEVER achieve her spot for any longer than a few months, then the man goes back to Wifey.. And Boo either gets replaced with another Boo, or, the man matures and decides that Wifey is the one for him.. (Ladies.. you don't want to be BOO)

3) Bitches.. A female that a male uses only for sex or other sexually related events.. (Ladies NEVER wanna be a man's Bitch)

4) Ho's.. ..enough said! (Ladies.. Get SMART)

******** ???? Mii reAL gUrLiEz aLrEADy KNoW...!!! An If u waNNa knOE DoN wOrrY AbOut it...MY BOOtHaNg...LaLa jOsH!!!

.. Create Your Own

Me Nd da hOmEy 69 On MaCk BiNKz B-dAy...!!! gOOD tImEz...!!! ******MiI bIG BrO RoDzNeY-z...THAtZ WaT I CaLL Em...!!! DiS A REaL ViEw StaRR..EvEn Tho he BE SWIvEn FEMaLeZ...HaHa 2 All u dUmB cHiCkZ..lOl...NoT I...!!!dIs OnE Of MEaDoWvIeWz BrIgHTEsT StArZ...!!! fOrGeT THEm wEaK haTeN jOcKz...JUS cUZ Yo GiRl wAnna ViEw StArr lik him...LOL...;)i lUv mY BrU hE DoWn 4 mEeh..Keep yO HOod uP ViEw...!!!******
***~Mii LIL DADDy HaaSaNi A.k.a *DA KIlla CIty KIDD* -NuTTy nOrTH FaCtOr-... He knOe HE gOt iT tHaTz WhY hEz mY Good loOk...OnLy mEss WiT tHee bAddEsT...ThEzE FEMaLeZ bEttEr knOe iT, YaUh GoTTa geT oFF tHIS oNe nOw..!!!HeZ TaKeN LiL MAmMaZ...!!!

