i go to school and participate in clubs... lately i have been interested in humanitarian and aid...also i attend church on thursday's and sunday's
see, i have this passion for music so just about anything that you play i'll listen to.. the funny thing is i can never remember who the song is sung by..lol.. I LOVE MUSIC!!!
Name it and i've prolly seen it! I love movies.... some of my favorites are just about anything Adam sandler...lol.. i love horror flicks!! there awsome but they havn't really made any great ones lately... i like to rent movies... why spend the money to go see one in the theatre..
NOT into the celeb's... i like HOUSE, Criminal Minds, lately Big Love...and Army Wives
my mom and my dad because they are great people and they make me a better person everyday~ i love them...Jesus Christ and all together anyone who was or is insperational...