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Debut Album INTRODUCING HANGGAI on sale now

About Me

“distills everything powerful about Mongolian folk music and makes something new from the ingredients…transcendently powerful music that anyone from anywhere can understand.” (Pitchfork)
“so entrancing or just downright enthralling that I just can’t imagine why the tradition ever fell out of fashion… charming, raucous, brilliantly jubilant and a breath of fresh Mongolian grassland.” (World Music Central)
"Hanggai have made the leap from folk phenomenon to crossover pioneers without losing their soul. Built from -- and meant for -- Mongolia's wide open spaces, this music will make you homesick for a place you've never been." (Rhapsody)
“Introducing Hanggai is more than just an introduction. It’s an outright emotional roller coaster....The closest I can get to describing this album is that it’s pure magic. Enjoy.” (411mania)
"their melodic, often mournful songs at times echo the sturdy charm of Celtic balladry." (Guardian)
"Their debut album is a delight...'Flowers' is country and eastern, while 'Haar Hu' could be the grassland's 'Scarborough Fair'. While Beijing busts a vulgar gut to Westernise, Hanggai update tradition with elegance." (Observer)
"Introducing Hanggai is more than an introduction to Hanggai: it could also serve as an introduction to indigenous Mongolian music on the whole, a gateway Mongolian folk album for non-Mongolians." (Popmatters)

My Interests


Member Since: 5/7/2008
Band Website: worldmusic.net/hanggai
Band Members:

Check out this video: Introducing Hanggai


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Sounds Like: “the wonderful calm which travellers on horseback experience, as they traverse the limitless wastes of Central Asia” (The Scotsman)

“a perfect theme if Sergio Leone composed for a spaghetti western set in Mongolia” (World Music Central)

“traditional Mongolian folk music and instrumentation project[ed] into a loosely rock-based structure…creating something new and exhilarating in the process.” (Pitchfork)

Record Label: World Music Network
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Hanggai on PRIs THE WORLD!

Hanggai was featured on National Public Radio's show 'The World' - check out the segment here.  Hanggai on NPR................................................Horses also feature in our Global Hit...
Posted by Hanggai on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 12:24:00 PST

HANGGAI in MUSICLOAD blog write-up

Hanggai got a great write up in the blog Musicload - to read more, check out musicload. blogspot. com for more......
Posted by Hanggai on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 03:14:00 PST

Introducing HANGGAI - lyrics

We've had some questions about what the songs mean - here are the translations courtesy of Ilchi's wife, Yang Ran!01             My Banjo and I (w...
Posted by Hanggai on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 07:10:00 PST

Great Pitchfork Review for INTRODUCING HANGGAI -

Hi all - thanks for visiting!Our debut album 'Introducing Hanggai' is out July 28th.Has been getting some good press recently (including a great Pitchfork review - see below)We're planning to be in UK...
Posted by Hanggai on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 01:33:00 PST