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With great power comes great responsibility

About Me

The most philosophical of all signs, Sagittarius.....same as JimWhile in a lucid dream he was successfully been able to alter his consciousness with sheer will-power. At times he felt as if he were intoxicated or high to such an extent that the mental symptoms of inebriation were so obviously apparent that he was unable to determine his own state of consciousness or his position in space relative to other objects. One of two things is possible.1. The mind is able to synthesize the chemical, or one similar that corresponds with the proper receptor to cause mind-altering effects to brain cells.2. The mind is able to create an antagonist chemical that blocks receptors from receiving necessary hormones or nuerotransmitters to posses a 'sober' state of mind, thus altering consciousness.---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------He was an unusual young person, precocious in a hundred ways but very undeveloped and helpless in a hundred others. When he had occasionally compared himself with others, he had often been proud and smug, but just as often depressed and humiliated. He had often thought of himself as a genius, often as half-crazy. He couldn't manage to share in the joys and activities of those his age, and he had often been consumed with self-reproaches and worries, as if he were hopelessly cut off from them, as if he were shut off from life.------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------To be sure, I was much higher than they were, but I was clinging to my position and they moved lightly and fearlessly, and I saw that I was too high, I was in the wrong place. They were at the right height, not on the ground and yet not so devilishly high and distant as I was, not among people and yet not so completely isolated; moreover, there were many of them. I saw very well that they represented a bliss that I had not yet attained.--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------My Photo Album My Photo Album

My Interests

Duh------------------------------------Escape is the message of my life in every form.------------------------------------Madness was a step on the way to truth.------------------------------------Prison is an occupational hazard of the philosopher.------------------------------------The Japanese word 'Ronin' is used to described the highly skilled, self-confident free-agent who has renounced vassal, liege service to a lord and launched out on an individual path within a rigidly structured world.------------------------------------Your head is the cosmic TV show. Alcohol turns off the brightness, methadrine jiggles and speeds up the image, LSD flips on 87 channels at once, pot adds color, meditation, mantras, prayer, and mudras sharpen the focus.------------------------------------Psychedellic research is experimental philosophy, empirical metaphysics, visionary science.------------------------------------The bird is fighting its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Whoever wishes to be born must destroy a world. The bird is flying to god. The god is named Abraxas. We see what we believe, and not just the contrary; and to change what we see, it is sometimes necessary to change what we believe.------------------------------------Where religions rely on belief, faith, and dogma. Entheogens dispose of belief, faith, and dogma, replacing them with a shape-shifting, ineffable, unspeakable, nonsymbolic, experience of reality. Quite literally, you make of it what you will.------------------------------------Reality is a unified, complex myriad maya play of all energies, which cluster and organize into transient matter and that what one believes to be real simply reflects the relativistic perspective of the beholder.------------------------------------So long as the Priest, the professional negator, slanderer and poisoner of life is regarded as a superior type of human being, there cannot be any answer to the question: What is truth?------------------------------------It must be pointed out that just as the human body shows a common anatomy over and above all racial differences, so, too the psyche possesses a common substratum transcending all differences in culture and consciousness.------------------------------------What if it were true that nature speaks in signs and that the secret to understanding its language consists in noticing similarities in shape or in form? "Look at the form." ------------------------------------ You must defocalize your gaze so as to percieve science and the indigenous vision at the same time. Then the common ground between the two will appear in the form of a stereogram.------------------------------------The material, physical expressions are pale, crude distortions of the idea forms that are fabricated by the mind, the brain, the 'soul.'------------------------------------The self comes into being at the moment it has the power to reflect itself.------------------------------------You create the realities you inhabit.------------------------------------I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.------------------------------------Were the eye not sunny, it could never behold the sun; if the power of the mind were not in matter, how could matter disturb the mind?------------------------------------Sometimes I feel like a port in an ocean of human waste.------------------------------------It is a capacity to sense the characters and destiny of people, not only my own destiny, but that of others as well. If obliges me to serve others by ruling over them.

I'd like to meet:

Me, Myself, and I


The music assumes harmonious shapes, giving visual form to its harmonies and what you are seeing takes on the modalities of music - the music of the spheres.


Organized thoughts and stuff and junk------------------------------------The moment of fullness. Grab hold tightly, let go lightly. The full cup can take no more. The candle burns down. The taut bow must be loosed the razor edge cannot long endure. Nor this moment re-lived. So grab hold tightly and let go lightly.------------------------------------As for others and the world around him he never ceased in his heroic and earnest endeavor to love them, to be just to them, to do them no harm, for the love of his neighbor was as deeply in him as the hatred of himself, and so his whole life was an example that love of one's neighbor is not possible without love of oneself, and that self-hate is really the same thing as sheer egoism, and in the long run breeds the same cruel isolation and despair.------------------------------------Poetic writing can be understood and misunderstood in many ways. In most cases the author is not the right authority to decide on where the reader ceases to understand and the misunderstanding begins. Many an author has found readers to whom his work seemed more lucid than it was to himself. Moreover, misunderstandings may be fruitful under certain circumstances.------------------------------------He who has known the other days, the angry ones of gout attacks, or those with that wicked headach rooted behind the eyeballs that casts a spell on every nerve of eye and ear with a fiendish delight in torture, or soul-destroying, evil days of inward vacancy and despair, when, on this distracted earth, sucked dry by the vampires of finance, the world of men and of so-called culture grins back at us with the lying, vulgar brazen glamour of a fair and dogs us with the persistance of an emetic, and when all is concentrated and focused to the last pitch of the intolerable upon your own sick self -- he who has known these days of hell may be content indeed with normal half-and-half days like today.------------------------------------You are much too exacting and hungry for this simple, easygoing and easily contented world of today. You have a dimension too many. Whoever wants to live and enjoy his life today must not be like you and me. Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.------------------------------------Each phenomenon on earth is an allegory, and each allegory is an open gate through which the soul, if it is ready, can pass into the interior of the world where you and I and day and night are all one. In the course of his life, every human being comes upon that open gate, here or there along the way; everyone is sometimes assailed by the thought that everything visible is an allegory and that behind the allegory live spirit and eternal life. Few, to be sure, pass through the gate and give up the beautiful illusion for the surmised reality of what lies beneath.


Theology in a nutshell------------------------------------God 1 is the single-cell intelligence, the collaborative brain that knows how to run a simple protozoan. The first god is the one-celled god. The first and original craft of god is protozoan.------------------------------------God 2 is the presocial, wily-animal god of emotion -locomotion that resides within our nervous system, ready to pour out flight-fight endocrine juices. The second god is the emotional mammal. The second craft of god is intelligent access to and control of emotions.------------------------------------God 3 is the semanticist. In the beginning was the word - the third god. One who creates new words and uses words to paint new pictures becomes the divinity of thought. The third craft of god is semantics.------------------------------------God 4 is the moralist. The fourth god is accepting responsibility and movinig beyond hive-docility. The fourth craft of god is the fabrication of your own new morality-freer, more intelligent and more genetically evolved.------------------------------------God 5 is the hedonic artist. The fight god is the esthetic director of the sensory world that one constructs and blissfully inhabits. The fifth craft of god is management of one's own body.------------------------------------God 6 is the neurologician. The sixth god is the neurological engineer, the reprintable brain that rebuilds nueral realities. The sixth craft of god is psychopharmacology. To dial and tune one's own brain.------------------------------------God 7 is the geneticist-sociobiologist. The seventh god is the geneticist accomplishing the routine tasks of divinity-create life, improve life, attain immortality. The seventh craft of god is management of DNA.------------------------------------God 8 is the quantum physicist. The eighth god is the creator of the universe and of the atom. The eighth craft of god is quantum mechanics.


Chemistry and Physics 101------------------------------------The cells of all living things emit photons at a wavelength that corresponds exactly to the narrow band of visible light. Furthermore, the stimulation of DNA through hallucinogens is what allows one to see these biophoton emissions.------------------------------------What if DNA, stimulated by hallucinogens, activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our consciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered 'as a more or less fully interlinked unit,' is the source of the images.------------------------------------Chemicals exist in mirror-image forms. Two chemically identical versions of a molecule that differ only in that one is 'left-handed' and the other is 'right-handed.' These are called optical isomers because they differ in the way they rotate a plane of polarized light. Stereospecifity - Mirror image forms of a drug that differ in their ability to cause a change in the body. In general, the form of an opiate that rotates light to the left is active in the body while the 'right-handed' version is not. Yet the chemical constituents of the two forms are identical. This argues that opiates must be acting at a site so selective that it can bind the 'left-handed' version of the drug while passing up its chemically identical 'right-handed' version. So selective a recognition site is, by definition, a receptor. Neato!------------------------------------Just as it is in quantum physics -- during the moment of singularity, the curvature of space-time becomes infinite and all laws of science and our ability to predict face a complete break down so that essentially, they have no consequence for the events following singularity -- it is also in the human consciousness in that one who is in complete unity with all aspects of his inner-self faces a total break down of all ideals and fundamentals governing his life and is able to reform a wholly new self free of consequence from a previous 'assembled self.'


My main man, none other than the wicked, Hermann Hesse. Maynard James Keenan. Goethe. Carl Jung. Einstein. Bender. Socrates. Alex Grey. Karl Marx. The inventor of Legos.------------------------------------Imaginary heros------------------------------------Jesus 'Holyshit' Christ. Santa Claus. Wolf.

My Blog


...A tale about a man who loved without hope. He withdrew completely inside himself, and thought he would burn up with love. He lost contact with the world; he no longer saw the blue sky and the gre...
Posted by Dionysus on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:32:00 PST


Throughout the early stages of his life, and particularly his first years as an impressionable young man, his innate sensitivity to the surrounding environment and the profound impact of his interacti...
Posted by Dionysus on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 05:51:00 PST

Calypso Chrono Chimera

Each revelation, each newfound level of spiritual insight, each discovery of truth offers a new development of the inner-self to a higher understanding and increased depth. However, within these dept...
Posted by Dionysus on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:07:00 PST


My Videos My Videos My Videos...
Posted by Dionysus on Wed, 17 May 2006 10:07:00 PST

Photo Album

My Photo Album My Photo Album My Photo Album My Photo Album My Photo Album ...
Posted by Dionysus on Mon, 15 May 2006 02:56:00 PST

I am only a man....no more, no less

A luminous fog roams the street Carrying fears of what will be The blue moon hangs upon the sky A tear escapes from within my eye Soak it up and breathe it in Just to rise and fal...
Posted by Dionysus on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:19:00 PST


Drifting Consciously unconscious Pushing forward Seeking chaotic nothing I find another Meet resistence A sight to behold Timeless Shapeless Boundless Possession of thought Here I am God C...
Posted by Dionysus on Mon, 15 May 2006 11:15:00 PST

What do you think?

Drummer John Densmore refuses to let the group's songs be used in TV ads, much to the chagrin of his former bandmates. LA TIMES 10/5/05By Geoff Boucher, Times Staff Writer Bob Dylan is singing "The...
Posted by Dionysus on Mon, 08 May 2006 11:26:00 PST

Trent Reznor sums it up pretty damn well

I believe I can see the future Cause I repeat the same routine I think I used to have a purpose But then again That might have been a dream I think I used to have a voice Now I never make a sound I j...
Posted by Dionysus on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:47:00 PST

If you like the Doors as much as I do check this out.....

Dick WolfDick Wolf is producing a full-length documentary on the Doors for theatrical release, and "Dogtown""Dogtown" chronicler Stacy Peralta is assembling a social history doc to coincide with the 4...
Posted by Dionysus on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:33:00 PST