A PLEA FROM THE ORDER OF SHAMBHALA,Around our planet lies a force-field, the negative mental aura of the earth, containing all the accumulated thought emissions from the beginning of history. It is needless to stress that the quality of this radiation is extremely low. In this force-field are still heard the curses of the wounded and dying of all the brutal wars mankind has ever fought. The vibrations of a higher spiritual nature are not sufficient to counterbalance the negative ones. Mother Nature's memory, termed 'Akasa' in ancient Indian books, records everything that happens, and it cannot be obliterated. Mankind alone can neutralise the dark clouds of thought vibrations which it has produced. The Brotherhood of Shambhala, the guardians of our planet, are asking us not to add more filth and blood to a very sick planet. Those who find these conclusions disputable should study the latest scientific research on the sensitivity of plants to human thought. If a flower can wither from anger, cannot the whole planet become ill from hatred emanated on a global scale?
I firmly believe in compassion, and that the common enemies of humankind are Ignorance, Delusion, and Monotony. That said I feel that the one factor in this Great Narration which represents and is by all means Illuminating, is Love! Caring and embracing of other beings is a fine existence, and so I feel so lucky to have a personal Isis in my life right now, the feeling of Joy at embracing other with affection, as two Souls seem to pull at eachother, many thanks to Anuket!Menina que Passa, I love you.The essence of being/Truth/God is devoid of every form and quality, and hence unmanifested, yet it is inseparable from every form and phenomenon either material or spiritual. It is often understood to imply that every phenomenon is an aspect of Truth and at the same time attribution of existence to it is false. The chief aim of all Sufis then is to let go of all notions of duality, therefore the individual self also), and realize the divine unity.