Music, Animation, Comic Books, Comedy, Drawing, Movies, Video Games, Cartoons, Photography, Digital and Visual Design, Debating, Broadening my Vernacular, Sports, Art, Spirituality (not religion), Reading, Writing, Philosophy, Allowing myself to 'be' while in the company of good friends, Collecting Superman stuff, Being creative, Exploring, Learning, Trying different types of Beer, NOT taking myself TOO seriously, and one of my NEWLY embraced hobbies, Cooking!
FIRST and FOREMOST, music is the foundation on which im able to plant my feet every single day. If it weren't for the ample supply of great music in this world, im not sure id be the person i am today. Music also allows me to express myself creatively while also providing an outlet for my various emotions every time i pick up my axe. I thank creation that music was discovered for without it, this world would be a lot worse off than we are now.
My favorite music is ROCK... of the METAL Variety! I like MOST forms of rock.
There are to many bands that i love to name them all. But my top 3 are TooL, CkY and DethkloK.
Im actually pretty open to most forms of music. I like classical (Clint Mansell, John Ottman, Danny Elfman, John Williams, Kronos Quartet, The Divine Comedy), indie-pop music (Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Nerina Pallot), folk country (Willie Nelson, Chris Kristopherson, Johnny Cash), classic rock (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors), acoustic work (Tenacious D, Jack Johnson, Lindsay Buckingham) and one of my favorite ODD tastes is J-Rock... Japanese Rock bands (The Pillows, the Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Bump of Chicken).
What it really comes down to is just what my ear tells me i like...
This is the myspace for my recent Solo project called MARIK:
Ive recently started another musical venture. Im trying to construct an Americanized J-ROCK (Japanese Rock) band by the name of The MARATHON Men:
My old band DefioN's "BEST OF" myspace:
_The Best Of DEFION_
This is a myspace i started YEARS ago that has rare, old and unreleased tracks:
Ninja Warrior, Unbeatable Banzuke, Family Guy, Home Movies, Metalacolypse, the Venture Bros, Tim and Eric AWESOME SHOW, Tom goes to the Mayor, Futurama and Lucy the Daughter of the Devil.
Im a HUGE comic book nerd! Im getting into Alan Moore's stuff and also Darwin Cooke. Im a big fan of anything Ed McGuiness illustrates and written by Jeph Loeb. Another comic read i recommend is a underground classic by the name of Blacksad.
Superman, Makoto Nagano, Brendon Small, my Mom and anyone who has found meaning in there life...