I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
This sight was put up because after doing a small personal poll, I realized that many of my friends, associates and fans of the original A-Team agreed with me that Kimbo Slice would be a great B.A. for the new A-Team feature film.
Yes, that’s right, I said it, mark my words. Nobody else can can evoke the legitimate toughness and gravitas like Mr. T, in this modern day, better than Kimbo Slice. John Singleton, give this guy an audition, or at least put him in the ring with anyone else who is going to audition and see who comes out the winner.
This is the guy for the new B.A. in the forthcoming A-Team feature film. Show your support by adding as a friend, and forwarding this along to anyone and everyone you know.
Thank you!
Here's a description of B.A.'s character; tell me it doesn't fit.
A highly-skilled mechanic and the A-Team's regular Mr. Fix-It. He is a skilled fighter and is easily roused to anger, earning him the nickname "Bad Attitude". Despite his reputed attitude, he is a nice guy at heart. He has a special fondness for children and, being a teetotaller, he never drinks alcohol, preferring milk instead. He is most upset by Murdock, frequently referring to him as a "crazy fool." He suffers an intense fear of flying, especially when the plane in question is flown by Murdock. This difficulty is often overcome by other members of the team drugging him, or otherwise rendering him unconscious, so he can be transported without objection.
Kimbo Slice official site: http://www.kimbo305.com/
*This site is not maintained or endorsed by Kimbo Slice, Stephen J. Cannell, John Singleton, or anyone realated to them, or the A-Team. This is a fan-site created to support and ralley the cause to cast Kimbo Slice as B.A. in the forthcoming A-Team feature film.