Jade profile picture


It's turned his life upside down face!

About Me

aka Jadey, Marv, Jadeykins, Jadeypoos, Dougal or Doogie etc.
I'm 20...... eurgh! Haha.
I'm from Pompey, well, Waterlooville but I'm at Uni in Leicester at the mo doing film studies.
I'm in love with Ryan ♥ and it's the best feeling in the world! :)
My friends are the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
My Mum, Dad and Sis are the best and I am who I am because of them.
My cat is awesome!
I hate being rushed it's one of the only things that will stress me out.
I challenge you to find something else that will annoy me!
I take too many photos then spend a fortune on albums and developing but nothing beats memories.
Laughing is the best emotion in the world!
I'd rather you were poor and loved me with all your heart than bought me loads of stuff.
I act like a mong quite a lot of the time, usually when I'm around my Sis! Haha.
I'm lazy but not when it counts.
One day I hope I'll be a film critic.
Ryan ♥, family, friends, Chinese food, maaaaaaaash, cinema, chocolate, seaside, sunshine, driving, sleeping (especially with Ryan), laughing, silly inside jokes, music, chillaxing, Family Guy, photos, getting Drunky McDrunk once in a while, people-watching, The Simpsons, singing, Chicken Korma, being appreciated, doing nice things for other people.
Liars, dramatic people, self-involved people, bananas, Paris Hilton, cars when they don't work!, spiteful people, being taken for granted, B&Q, untidiness, unnecessary noise, intentionally awkward people, people who walk really close behind me or stand stupidly close to me in a queue!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


♥ I love him with all my heart ♥
He makes me feel special and pretty.
I miss him more than anything when I'm not with him.
He's an awesome tickler!
He always does what he thinks is best for me.
He makes time for me.
We have funny little names for things.
There's nobody I love watching Family Guy with more than him.
I love taking photos of us together.
He has a smexy bod bod :)
I love eating Domino's Meateor Pizzas with him.
He's the best cook in the world and he always cooks for me :)
He makes me cakes that say 'I LOVE YOU' on them.
He arranges my peas in the shape of a heart.
He's taking me on holiday! :)

He has my heart, always

I'm always happy to have new friends though so if ya like the sound of me then add me :)
I'd like to meet cool, chilled out people who will actually talk to me if they add me!

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