MothercoW profile picture



About Me

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !___________________________________________________________ ________________________________ The MothercoW band was formed in the end of 2007 by: Guizão (Vocals), Kenny (Guitar) and BD (Drums). In the begining of 2008, Danyel (Guitar) joins the band, bringing new ideas and more energy to the band. In June, Heitor (Bass) joins the band, completing and making the band even stronger, making us ready to completely destroy any stage! Mixing Rock and Roll, Country Music and 90's Thrash Metal, MothercoW created a very particular kind of music. The first work of the band, "Shotgun Bullets DEMO", is the perfect reflex of all the competence of the band. MothercoW's main influences are: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pantera, Black Label Society, Pride and Glory, HellYeah, Rebel Meets Rebels, Black Sabbath and Down. For personal problems, Danyel left the band in September of 2008. Thanks for everything, brother! You will be always a MothercoW member! ...... E-mail for contact - [email protected] ...... "Prepare yourself for MothercoW, motherfuckers!" ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________Comunidade no Orkut: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __

My Interests


Member Since: 5/6/2008
Band Members:
Influences: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pantera, Black Label Society, Down, Rebel Meets Rebel, HellYeah, Biohazard, Pride and Glory, Ted Nugent, Black Sabbath
Sounds Like: MothercoW
Record Label: MCW Studios
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


Review - Heavy Planet Stoner Rock Blog blog é o blog mais loco que eu ja vi na net. Tem resenhas e reviews de todas as bandas de Stoner e Southern! Vários downlo...
Posted by MothercoW on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:24:00 PST

Review - VII Araraquara Rock - Roadie Crew

Review - VII Araraquara Rock - Roadie Crew Review da Roadie Crew dobre o VII Araraquara Rock, dando destaque à banda MothercoW: =44 ...
Posted by MothercoW on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:23:00 PST

Resenha - ROADIE CREW ed. 115

Revista Roadie Crew - edição N°115Agosto/2008por Ricardo Campos"Esta banda de São Carlos/SP foi criada no final do ano passado tendo como objetivo tocar um gênero que tem muitos fãs no Brasil, mas são...
Posted by MothercoW on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:23:00 PST

*** Resenha da "Shotgun Bullets" pelo All the Bangers

Resenha da Shotgun Bullets Demo pelo site "All the Bangers""Redatores constantemente recebem materiais de diversos estilos musicais, principalmente demos de quem procura um lug...
Posted by MothercoW on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:48:00 PST

Jornal Tribuna Impressa

O jornal Tribuna Impressa publicou no dia 24/06 uma matéria sobre o festival Araraquara Rock e sobre a seleção da MothercoW. Confiram a matéria:Cidade : Araraquara Rock divulga bandas selecionadas ...
Posted by MothercoW on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:22:00 PST

MOTHERCOW confirmada para o Araraquara Rock!!!!

A banda MothercoW foi selecionada para tocar em um dos maiores eventos da região, o Araraquara Rock. Tendo sido selecionada com nota MÁXIMA, a banda MothercoW tocará logo antes das bandas convidadas. ...
Posted by MothercoW on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:03:00 PST

*** Resenha da "Shotgun Bullets" pelo Novo Metal Matheus Vieira 07/06/2008 "Realmente estou "de cara" com o que ouvi aqui. Você já imaginou encontrar uma boa band...
Posted by MothercoW on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:41:00 PST