DRUNK - hitting the studio profile picture

DRUNK - hitting the studio

About Me

Hailing from Moshington, the capital of Sixpackistan, these four losers throw wave after beerwave of intoxicating and psychotifying thrash. Nobody can stand against the nonsensical, comical, below average play of four chimps in surf shorts. We play what we like, and we hope you guys like it. If there's a show nearby check us out, have fun and most importantly, get wasted!

We thrashitup, party down and plunder your beer supplies anywhere, anytime, anyhow and every other 'any' you can think of. We will play for any price, ranging from free to sacks with dollar signs, from pretzels to beer. And know that our parents were killed by ninja's. We need the gigs so we can afford kung fu lessons to get our revenge.
Just ask here on the space or mail [email protected]


My Interests


Member Since: 06/05/2008
Band Website: You're looking at it
Band Members:
Mr Perv
Cyco Jellö
Influences: Cryptic Slaughter, D.R.I., Excel, Green Jellÿ,
Indestroy, Lawnmower Deth, M.O.D.,
Nuclear Assault, PC Deathsquad, Reproach,
S.O.D., Spazztic Blur, TV, Wehrmacht, ...

Sounds Like: four thrashers playing music and not four musicians playing thrash!

Demo tape - DEMOsh (2008)
1. Kill the Pandas
2. Camp Crystal Festival
3. NxMxAx
4. Thrashing Stoner Zombies
5. Puke Out
6. Beerfart
7. The Day After (no vocals)

Made with the help of the buds
of Alcoholic Nightmare.
Can't buy it anymore,
But still available on download.

Violent Attack Thrash Compilation 1

Side A
1. Indemnity - Fuel The Rebellion
2. Leave Scars - Unit 731
3. Withhold - Crusade Of The Loner
4. Gae Bolga - Drink Till Death
5. The Fallout - Suicidal Toughts
6 Illumination - Psychopath
7. Devastation - Society Will Die Tonight
8. Evil Shepherd - Chemical Whipeout

Side B
1. Alcoholic Nightmare - Bitchslap !
2. In Vain - When The Reaper Reappears
3. Mindwar - Payback
4. Social Decay - Iwo Jima (The Island Of Death)
5. Insinnerated - Song X
6. Drunk - Camp Crystal Festival
7. Evil Invaders - Nuclear Warzone
8. Objector - Direction

Record Label: D.I.Y. 'TILL WE DIE!!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Violent Attack's Belgian Thrash Compilation 1

Allrightyyyy then folks,We got a spot on this compilation tape together with sixteen other thrash bands (probably also the only thrash bands in Belgium :p) It's still a demo track of ours,so it's crap...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 04:16:00 GMT

Download the demo!!

Aaaaallrightyyyyyy then,Seeing there's a modest international interest in our music we have decidedto put up it for download. (Since the postal services suck and cost moneyanyway)Download it herehttp:...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 07:01:00 GMT

Booking Drunk

Yeaaaah boys!!If you want to book Drunk, then send a mail to [email protected] send a message here on myspace. For info, questions, love notes, bombpackages, party invitations and death thr...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 07:45:00 GMT

Demo tracks at last !!

We finally have some of our demo songs up. And it was about bloody time too!A big thanks to the guys of alcoholic Nightmare, for letting us use their home studioto record the tracks. And especially Zo...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 09:29:00 GMT

DRUNK merchandise available

Drunk Merchandise is now available, thanks to the guys ofBandmerchandising.com. You can get it at the shows we play,so if you want it (if even anyone would want it) book us Whatever...We got short-sle...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:16:00 GMT