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These people matter.
_ Beatrice _
She taught me so many things i never knew or thought I wanted to know! She was probably the main reason for the big change in my life from shy quiet girl to the person I am today, she keeps me strong and tells me to not be a saddo when I have my moments. We also have a laugh on top of that, and I don't think we've ever had a row...
I well love this girl :D She has a cool boyfriend and is COMPLETELY mad when drunk. We laughed for 4 hours at a fly. She also has the nicest tits out of anyone I know, sorry guys. I'm so glad I met her :D
She has vibrantly amazing hair, and she's gorgeous. And as always, at the top of my tree! If I had one that is.We have fun days at school and we are scarily similar! CHOOOOOOCOLATE! If you hear us going on about exploding boobs just leave us be, you will never understand the greatness that is our minds put together. LOVE YOUUUUUU!
This guy Is actually AMAZING. Formely known as "french guy" when I first met him back at induction days, he has been awesome ever since. We walk to school together and have a proper giggle. And yes Harry, I will, eventually, make you a sandwitch. This guy is also a musical genius and a pro thinker. Also throws the most AMAZINGEST parties ever. OCTFEST!!!!! Love you loads!
Well... He's sexy. But we all know that! Epic gentleman and a full on /b/tard, this guy never fails to amuse me and make me laugh. He "teaches me guitar" LOL! Yes... He also makes my knees go quivery, and everyone knows it lol. And yes I will make you a sandwitch. Now keep calling me the perfect woman :P You mean lots and lots to me :)
My lesbian buddy. My twin. My PRETTY PRETTY friend. You are amazing and make me laugh SO MUCH!!! Pretty gloves pretty gloves! We come up with the funniest things and freak everyone else out around us :) You eating chocolate never fails to make me smile. ORGASM!!!!
I do not know how you can eat two cookies every day and not get fat, while I'm stuffing down my apple crisps, but you are great. I wish we could be as great friends as we were before the summer, but we are still close :)
She is in our choir. And we are gonna sing you ALL after a few rehearsals! She also has an obsession with playdo and the colours mixing. Falls down stairs when epic drunk. Ohh girl you do make me lol :) Also the choong of the year. LOL
You are an amazing person, though I haven't known you for long. Your stretchy skin is awesome to play with, and you are a great friend. Thank you for letting me cry on you for like an hour when I was drunk, and I promise to return the favour whenever you are ready to talk. ILY!
Yeah we're camera freaks. And if we could save one thing from our burning house it would be internet access. She's my little tramp who stalks me, but I oh so love it. We share a love for Mcfly and food. I've known you for the longest out of all my friends, but I love you so much :D
_ Sophia _
Another amazing Ladyness who is clever and AMAZINGLY funny, she used to keep me safe from all the prying bitches at our school, I miss those days. She's been there for me to cry and laugh and we are very very awesome pals! I miss her alot!
The bestest cousin i could ever ask for! She accepts me for who i am and doesn't try to label me, she is also the funniest person on the planet. She says "Blap" i say "Far fel kugelis!" We laugh about turning people's names into laughing, and yeah it makes sense to us. We may watch a lot of porn and laugh at it, we may go into shops at 1am to buy adult candy, but we are completely sane. I miss her so much :(
My other completely amazing cousin. She's hawt and guys in bars ask her out by writing poetry on napkins. She's well funny and giggly when drunk, and even worse after a dose of "apples" and "cards". I miss you babe :(
I will never forget the day we met... I'm pretty sure The first thing you said to me was a sexual innuendo. Still, You well make me laugh, and we have amazing chats on msn all the time :) make me happeh :D Art buddy!!!
He asked to be here. He doesn't deserve it.