tHe NEtwORk iS a NeAtly cRaFteD, wELL deSigNed wRitInG teAm tHat fOrmEd in tHe lAtTEr hAlf of '05. BaSed iN aTlAntA, Ga, tHe tRio (f'LanA //// kIaNte & //// tErEnCe) wOrk aDamAntLY WitH a pLetHorA oF up and ComIng; aS wEll As EliTe PRodUcERS In tOdAy's mUsIc. MaNaGed & cOuNsELed bY KIrk WooDs oF tHe WooDlAnD eNteRtAINmEnt GrOup, tHe NEtwORk aRe nEwly sIgNEd WriTers aS OF SeptEmber '07 to ChRYsaLis MuSiC PubLiShInG. eAgER To sHare thEir TaLeNtS W/ thE wOrLD, tHE NEtwOrk FoRMats ThEir rEcoRds tO aPpeal tO tHE maSsES w/ TimElesS mElodIes, eDgy ConCeptS aNd SeAmlesS ARraNgEmeNTs all W/ tHe HopEs & aSpIraTiONs tHat tOday'S ConSumEr wiLL bE rEcEptiVe tO wHat tHeY hAve tO ShArE. So kEeP YoUR EyeS oPen aNd YouR EaRs cLeaReD, tHe NEtwOrk isN't buiLt on HYpe, bUt oF tHE tRuth. TruE TalEnt sUrpaSses & StaNds tHe TesT Of TiMe. wHat NEtwORk ArE yoU In? ((((I CAN'T HEAR YOU))))