Xv Omynous vX profile picture

Xv Omynous vX

Xv_A gift I rushed to accept, before I knew what it really was, and what it would do to me_vX

About Me

'A true stranger in my own forsaken existance, held down, and subdued, like prisoner in this instance, how wicked and shrewd, to feel you've been cosmicly screwed, for my sense of purpose,the reason unknown is my withdraw without resolve,becoming my mission of resistance, as I watch my freedom absolve, despite my persistance'

My Interests

~Thankyou for coming to my page, a monument to my sykness and twisted rage, I therefore befriended you, and just so you know, I'm one that stays true, I hate a dramatic flair and I'm strait down to buissness, no backlash needed, I'm full of pride never conceited, with me you won't see it coming, assume on a wild guess, and you'll be closer to me, but want it even less, oh my what a mess. I love trouble and it loves me more, terror is my mistress and fate is my whore, I have the key to open the forbidden door, so hang with me and I'll teach you what it means to be seriously hardcore~'I master in a special style of art, and love writing, death metal singing, and drinking and fighting, holding down my brew, while romaing with my crue, maybe I'm attached with a few fills, and a kid or two, But by the way I conduct the talent, you just wouldn't have a clue' followed by a swig and a few more pills'~If you can't find what your looking for, you didn't search good enough, if it's a needle in a hay stack, you'd better add all that you lack, before it comes more than you expected, and reflects back, just like we expected, it wasn't like you were neglected, sticking your hand blindly in the stack, where the hay is rare and needles everywhere, sure you can feel the sting, but how much can you bear~'I didn't know who I was, or what the fuck I was becoming, and it's so happening as the demon is succumbing, and beyond the pain, my brain is utterly numbing, son of a bitch, I can feel it coming''The oldest ways, were the days, as the self sacrifice always pays, kill or be killed, thrill or be thrilled, I take no mercy as the blood is savagly spilled''Cut deeper, I didn't bleed enough the last time, is self mutilation some sacred crime, even if I'm the future reaper, I doubt it seeing as how, it's coming to a head right about now, so I will dissapear after I take a short lil bow, this one's a creeper, and still holier than thou''I do all the things I want to do, although I am restricted, the law of relationships always leave me so torn and afflicted, I tend to keep the balance if I'm not useful, but therein I am the bull, ignore the push and focus on the pull'
'Take me far, far, away, if I have to die, I choose right the fuck now, this minute on this day, no reason to beg or pray, and why would I lie. I just saw a way to feel the warm blood spray, and the killer intentions slip their spot, it's the only lerage the guardian angel's got, as my concious starts to wither and rot, in this struggle I had lost alot''Always filling in the god aweful gaps, slowly undoing the straps, as everyone cheers and claps, I wanted them to execute, but sadly every has a price and can be bought with something flashy or a little bit of loot, no matter how flashy the expesive suit, or how hard you kik em in the ass with a steel toed boot''I'd ask why your still sitting there reading, after all that I see and am still needing, it's human emotion I'm always feeding, can I spark a feeling inside, to give you a reason to cry and hide, sure why not let's go for a ride, if you piss me off, I might let it slide''I grow bored of controlling the horde, weilding around a cursed sword, but what a sharp blade, even I'd like to think I have it made, but I always want more, balls to the wall, and the pedal to the floor, you won't find any mother fucker, that's goes strait to the core, you flap your wings, cause I glide then soar''Fuck it, and fuck you all, your all standing still and I'm the one to fall, I don't need your pity, cause that's pretty shitty, I'd shake your hand but it's all swaety and your skin is awfully gritty''Beyond the common interest, there's something deeper that probes, perhaps even a test. To wander through thoughts of disaster, a modern world cracking like plaster, and I see it crashing and everythign ends even faster'

I'd like to meet:

'I will now introduce myself, only the way I can, With the eyes of a demon, and the heart of a man, both held in dark stealth. I walk this earth to search, on a cliff I overlook, to see the product of riches and wealth. To watch my own rebirth. And still I perch, with a great view, but instead I write in my little black book, as I think of you, I snicker at a nearby church. Ask me who am I? And an answer I will gladly produce, Pulling up evidence up from the earth. Even if we were at war, challenging me is no use. After all, my friends it's what I'm meant to do. And even if, I love the abuse, I am the 'phenom', but my friends call me 'Phen', your pain isn't enough, so let me stab you in the head again, now that I rolled a spliff, and you can watch me puff. I lived even way back then, but I retain a sinister youth, I won't get into the politics, cause the ride is a little rough. And I choose to decorate all my vicious lies, with the horrid and frail truth. There's no telling how long the wait if your trying to call my bluff. It's about now, but really when, closing your eyes, falling back, find yourself counting back from ten, and all that other fun stuff. I don't do well with goodbyes. Do me the favor and read all that I write, I can show such a deeply disturbing picture and forever change your sight, Come to the dark and bask in a glory of terror; well beyond the encompassing fear of your eternal night, because it's your problem, not my error, but I can teach you how to fight'

~I thrive on the chaos, as it always becomes the punishment due, it effects the rest of the world, as well as it does you, the sky is green and the grass becomes blue. So the choice is yours to pound or screw, either way the fabric has to be tight, even if it's off, it will eventually be on right, I'm looking for a date, so ah,.. what are you doing tonight,... I swing the hook but I never get a bite?~~Tell me about the human heart, to finish a game not too many can start, like walking in two worlds at one time, somethings off, and I'm committing a dangerous crime. I've met death and sat down with the guy, I've also spoken with god and I can't deny, Holding my breath. But I undoubtly give the devil his due, And you should all know why. I am the leader of that dark and brutal crue, and no I'm not here to tell you what to do. Just stand for what you hold in your hand, driven by the need, to seal their fate, and sow the seed, for all those bastards who'd make us bleed. If they don't pay now it will be too late. Let us take back the land, on their own threatening command. And I will be the mother fucker that opens the gate. If I'm the spice, then your so increadibly bland. And I don't expect you to jump on my demand. Not before I see a clawed hand, slip up from the sand, and only you can guess what would happen next, What do I care if the beast makes a mess, after all it's already written in the original text, however perplext, I care even less~'Romantic is how I am generally perceived, but evil is what I've always been, despite if it is really believed, you have no clue of the feats that I have achieved, a thousand mortal hearts torn and then deceived, and a million more impaled virgins, lying at the stake, with souls that are mine to take, And then it's all conceived. I carry each love off into the distance, give me all of your fear, hate and resistance, in the moment and this very instance, and I don't mind doing it all again, reapeating the fate of a million other men, the ones who already walked in your shoes, the same ones who were meant to die or loose, go right ahead, jump your ship in utter dread, there's no peace without breaking the bread, carnivous flesh is what our children are fed, so maybe in another light, your all better off dead, so sleep good tonight'~What's left to tell,? in what manner of speaking, would you have me decorate, perhaps in brain matter grey, possibly while I'm tweaking, well you poor bastard, I clawed my way up all the way from hell, well before it was too late, simply cause it's was the only way. I love to see the death toll rise at such a tremendous rate, what the fuck do you know about having a clean slate. And still carry that horrible smell. Sure, were all paired up, but who actually has a soulmate. Don't tease me with your attraction, cutting you inhalf with abnormal subtraction, seduce me for the minimum rate.Self deluded by my sense of action, altered by your sence of benifaction, I lost what I wanted so badly, so now I live unwillingly, in maddness, undertoned, rather gladly, but you'll never know my sadness, shrouded so badly, in the hidden virtues of pain and insanity, so much to lose, with even less to gain, shattered by vanity~
'Am I the deader, or the deadee, I really can't tell would you mind helping me, I'm lost in a world where I don't belong and I scream into the mic a very wicked song. I know I'm about done, cause no one in my life let's me have any fun, so let me grab my really shiny gun and point it to my overloaded brain, just cause I'm insane doesn't mean I should die, but why, when the world is more retarded than just one silly thought, it's like a sickness I almost caught, but once you see what I've brought, you won't let me go, just like the devil, or didn't you already know''What,? me riddle you, I have too much spare time with little to nothing better to do, yea well I just lied, and I hardly even tried, I love to write thus can't you read, your a follower so I will take the lead. I hate you, and I lust for you to die, and I love to see you bleed. Don't ask me for a miracle or I'll give a disaster, with no reason why, I'll reshape this world, so it's made from glass and plaster. Does it really matter what I tell you is me, as the reality will shatter as you walk away guilt free, ready to pay the penilty? But your a moron now standing at the door without the proper key, and from my stand point that's all you'll ever be'~If I could tell you anymore about me there would be no mystery left to tell, as my alterego would start to swell, and maybe it's my creativity you love to hate, submitting to one hell of a random fate. Give me the drugs and I'll happily sedate,... if it's so easy I dare you, to out do me, I didn't think you could, step up to see,... Pull out your wallet cause you'll have to pay that fee, might as well join me, when I go out on my grand killing spree~'I'm finding as time is rewinding, the mistakes I should've made, as my memories fade, I just wanna be high, drinking and getting laid, but instead I moan and sigh, for the bitch I own wants to deny, It's a fucking dream come true that I manage to get by, a complaint with the way things are is under estimated and so outdated, that every desire is unlived and vegitated, with that thought on my mind, it's not part of the deal I signed, maybe they thought I wouldn't mind, and I have yet to see the hope molested, and I was highly invested as all that misfortune is slowly ingested, now after dying I'm pretty well rested'~Look at me, and tell me you want me now, I'll give you an answer but I won't tell you how, Oh wait you gotta be hotter than hell, and smarter than me to break my spell, or maybe I already have you in my grip, and you'll never slip, as I take to the bowels of a very famailiar hell, after I dump your body in an old abandoned well. No time to ring a funeral bell, your not worth the cost of the casket, which is why I sliced you up in a million peices, and carried your bloody ass carcass in a basket~'All this energy I use to impress, ha you got it wrong so take another guess, I have list and it's a mile long, but I'm not about to confess, so you can fear or respect me just a little bit less, there's no god that's willing to bless, it's here in the depths I belong, growing fast, and extremely strong,... holding tight to a four foot bong, stringing you all, happily along, let's have a blast, in the image I cast, and let us hope it will last''As I pay tribute, as I stay mute, as I would normally have so much to say, in vigorus dismay, I found a way, just to sit and pray, I harness power you never knew existed, and the demons of the underground are harnessed and enlisted, as not one of them resisted, as I have become, better than most, and a god to some. Having an aspect of the world fondly under my thumb, sadly The surge to my brain makes me completely numb, losing all I had before, But what was any of it, when this is so much more, does that sound smart? or do you think I'm dumb?'
'A mystery to odd to be discovered, like thousands of beasts resurrected and now uncovered, in the flash the world blurred, as the devil assured that the sickness was cured, at least that's the last rumor that I heard. Killers run free and a new muderer is born everyday, A sad reflection in society's perfection, prove me right, so I'm that redemption, it's not like I'm the only one with second sight, just one mind that's a tad to bright, and that's not showing signs of infection''Pride in seeing, the spirits I'm freeing, falls into the catagory of the demon I'm being, whispering into the ear, someones greatest fear, shortly after they shed a tear, now gripping a shotgun so close and near, a few words more, and the idea is planted, and I will make it happen and it's granted, I love playing the puppeteer, even if I can't cut my own strings, these harsh and brutal things,.. what good are my wings if the ability is restricted, like the beatings always super imposed and inflicted''Bodies piling up all over the place, bones everywhere and there's a decomposing face, to hide them all is the world's fastes race, looking around shoving them in a decent hiding place, A spot here, and a crevice there, can't get the smell out of the air, even anger managment makes me kill, I can't fight the impulse or the determined will, not with the thirst, and the urge for blood to spill'


'bands' 'My Bands' 'at one time or another, every band I ever jammed out and liked' 100 Demons, 1000 Funerals,122 Stab Wounds,123 Death,13 Winters, 1349, 16 Volt, 18 Visions, 2 Ton Predator,3 Inches of Blood, 36 Crazyfists, 3rd Strike, 40 Below Summer, 666, Lacerations To The Sternum, 69 Eyes,A Dozen Furies, A Life Once Lost, A Perfect Murder, A.N.I.M.A.L., Aaskereia, Abaddon, Incarnate, Abathur, Abattoir, Abhorrence, Abigail, Abigor, Abominant, Abomination, Aboratory, Aborted, Abortion, Aborym, Abramelin, Abruptum, Abscess, Absolute Steel, Abstrakt, Algebra, Absu, Absurd, Abuse, Abysmal Torment, Abyss, Abyssic, Abyssos, Accept, Acheron, Acid Bath, Acid Death, Acid King, Acid Reign, Adagio, Adema, Adorned Brood, Adramelech, Aes Dana, Aeternitas, Aeternus, Afflicted, After Forever, After the Ashes, Agalloch, Agarthi, Agathocles, Agathodaimon, Agent Steel, Agents of Oblivion, Aggression, Aghora, Agiel, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Aion, Akbal, Akercocke, Alastis, Alcatrazz, Alcest, Alchemist, Algol, Alice Cooper, Alice In Chains, Alienation Mental, Alkonost, All Shall Perish, All That Remains, Almafuerte, Alogia, Altar, Altaria, Am I Blood, Amaran, Ambeon, Amebix, Amen, American Head Charge, Amok Vedar, Amon Amarth, Amoral Amorphis, Anaal Nathrakh, Anacrusis, Anal Blast, Anal Cunt, Anasarca, Anata, Anathema, Ancient, Ancient Rites, Andromeda, Androphagous, Angantyr, Angel Corpse, Angel Dust, Angel Witch, Angkor Wat, Angra, Animosity, Annihilator, Anorexia Nervosa, Antaeus, Antestor, Anthrax, Antim Grahan, Antropofagus, Apocalyptic Carnage, Apocalyptica, Apocrypha, Apostasy, Aquaria, Aradia, Aras, Arch Enemy, Arch of Thorns, Archgoat, Archontes, Arckanum, Arcturus, Arida Vortex, Arkhon Infaustus, Arkona, Armageddon, Armored Saint, Armoured Angel, Artery Eruption, Arthemesia, Artillery, Artrosis, Arvinger, Arwen, Aryan Spirits, As Blood Runs Black, As I Lay Dying, As Stormclouds Gather, Asatru, Asesino, Ash, Ashen Mortality, Ashes You Leave, Askalon, Asmegin, Asphyx, Assassin, Assplosion, Astarte, Astriaal, Astrofaes, Asvaran, At the Gates, At Vance, Atakhama, Atheist, Atomic Opera, Atomica, Atomkraft, Atreyu, Atrocity, Aura Noir, Aurora Borealis, Autopsy, Autumn Leaves, Avalanch, Avantasia, Avenger, Averse Sefira, Avinar, Avrigus, Avulsed, Axel, Axenstar, Axis of Advance, Axxis, Ayreon, Azagatel, Azarath, Blaze, Babylon Whores, Bad Acid Trip, Bal-Sagoth, Balaam, Balkandji, Banished ex-Baphomet, Bannerwar, Baphomet, pre-Banished, Barathrum, Bartholomeus night, Basilisk, Bathory, Battlelore, Beaver, Becoming the Archetype, Beheaded, Behemoth, Beherit, Behexen, Bekhira, Belenos, Beleth, Belial, Believer, Beloved, Belphegor, Beneath the Massacre, Benediction, Benighted, Besatt, Beseech, Beserk, Bestial Warlust, Bethlehem, Betrayer, Between the Buried and Me, Bewitched, Beyond Dawn, Beyond The Embrace, Bile, Biohazard, Biomechanical, Bismillah, Bitter, Benevolence, Black Dahlia Murder, Black Funeral, Black Label Society, Black Majesty, Black Messiah, Black Nocturnal Darkness, Black Sabbath, Black Torment, Black Trinity, Black Widow, Blackstar, Blasphemy, Bleed The Sky, Bleeding Through, Blind Guardian, Blind Illusion, Blind Stare, Blitzkid, Blockheads, Blood Duster, Blood Has Been Shed, Blood Red Throne, Blood Stained Dusk, Bloodaxe, Bloodbath, Bloodgasm, Bloodgood, Bloodline, Bloodsimple, Bloodthorn, Blut Aus Nord, Blutklinge, Bodies Lay Broken, Body Count, Bolt Thrower, Bongzilla, Book of Black Earth, Boris Borknagar, Bound and Gagged, Brainstorm, Bran Barr, Brand New Sin, Bride, Bring Me The Horizon, Brodequin, Broken Hope, Broken Vitreously, Bruce Dickinson, Brujeria, Brutal Truth, Brutality, Brutus, Budgie, Bullet Boys, Bullet For My Valentine, Burialmound, Buried Alive, Buried Beneath, Buried Inside,Burning Witch, Burnt By The Sun, Burst, Burzum, Butcher, Butterfly Temple, Byzantine, Cacophony, Cadaver, Cadaver Inc. Cadaveric, Crematorium, Cadaverous, Cannibal Corpse, Canopy, Capricornus, Captain Beyond, Carbonized, Carcariass, Carcass, Carceri, Cardinal, Carnage, Carnal, Carnal Apostle, Carnal Forge, Carnivore, Carpathian Forest, Carpe Tenebrum, Cartilage, Casket Sacrifice, Castration, Catamenia, Cataract, Catharsis, Cathedral, Cattle Decapitation, Cave In, Celestial Season, Celesty, Cellador, Celtic Frost, Cemetary, Cenotaph, Centinex, Cephalic, Cephalic Carnage, Cerberus, Cerebral Effusion, Cerebral Fix, Cerebral hemorrhage, Ceremonial Embrace, Ceremonial Oath, Chadwick, Chalice, Chaos, Cycle, Chaos Opera, Chaosbreed, Chaotic Humanity, Choice, Charizma, Charnel Valley, Charon, Chastisement, Chavroux Nucleaire, Children Of Bodom, Children Of Maani, Chimaira, Choronzon, Christ Agony, Christ Inversion, Christian Epidemic, Church of Misery, Cianide, Ciborium, Cinderella, Circle of Dead, Children, Circle Of Dust, Ciribus, Cirrhosis, Clagg, Clawfinger, Clutch, Coal Chamber, Coalesce, Cock And Ball Torture, Coercion, Coffinfeeder, Cold, Comecon, Commit Suicide, Conception, Confessor, Consolation, Control Denied, Converge, Coroner, Corporate Avenger, Corrosion of Conformity, Cortez, Cradle of Filth, Craft, Cranium, Creepmime, Crematory Crescendo of Pain, Crimson Glory, Crimson Moonlight, Crionics, Cripple Bastards, Cro-Mags, Cromm, Cruac, Crossbreed, Crowbar, Cruachan, Crucifier, Crucifixion, Crumbsuckers, Crusher, Crustacean, Cryptal Darkness, Cryptic Slaughter, Crypticus, Cryptopsy, Cult of Daath, Cult Of Luna Cum Fragore, Cumulo Nimbus, Custard, Cutty Sark, Cynic, D.R.I., Daemonlord, Daevas, Dahmer, Dakrua, Dali's Dilemma, Damageplan, Damn the Machine, Damnation, Damocles, Danzig, Dark Ages, Dark Angel, Dark Funeral, Dark Millennium, Dark Moor, Dark New Day, Dark Star, Dark Tranquillity, Darkane, Darkest Hour, Darkestrah, Darkseed, Darkthrone, Darkwell, Darkwoods, Dawn Day of Contempt, Daylight Dies, Daysend, Dead, Dead Horse, Dead Of Winter, Dead On Arrival, Dead Raven Choir, Deadhead, DeadSpawn, Deadsy, Death, Death Angel, Death Army, Death By Stereo, Death Strike, Deathspell Omega, Deathstars, Debauchery, Decapitated, Decay, Deceased, December Moon, Decrepit Birth, Deeds of Flesh, Deep Purple, Deformity, Deftones, Deicide, Delirio, Demacretia, Demigod, Demilich, Demolition Hammer, Demon, Demon Hunter, Demoncy, Demonic Christ, Demonicon, Demonlord, Demonoid, Demons & Wizards, Desdemona, Desecration, Despised Icon, Destiss, Destroyer 666, Destruction, Detonation, Detsorgsekalf, Deviant, Devil Driver, Devil in the Kitchen, Devilyn, Devin Townsend, Devlin Devourment, Diabolical Masquerade, DiaCtic, Diamond Head, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Diecast, Dimension Zero, Dimmu Borgir, Dio, Dionysus, Disavowed, Disciple, Discordance Axis, Disembowelment, Disfear, Disgorge, Disharmonic Orchestra, Disillusion, Disincarnate, Diskord, Dismal Euphony, Dismember, Dissect, Dissection, Dissenter, Dissimulation, Disturbed, Diversia, Divine, Decay, Divine Empire, Divinefire, Dog Fashion, Domine, Downthroat, Draconian, DragonForce, Dragonhammer, Dragonland, Dragonlord, Dream Evil, Dream Theater, Dreamaker, Dreamland, Dreams of Sanity, Dreamscape, Dreamtale, Drear, Drifason, Dross, Drowning Pool, Drudkh, Dry Kill Logic, Dungeon, Dungeonmaster, Dusk, Dust from Misery, Dying Fetus, Dysrhythmia, Earth, Earthcorpse, Ebonsight, Ebony Tears, Eclipse, Edda, Edenbridge, Edge of Sanity, Eichenschild, Eidolon, Einherjer, Eisregen, Eject, Ekove, Efrits, Ektomorf, El Caco, Elakelaiset, Elctrikchair, Electric Wizard, Elexorien, Elfonia, Eluveitie, Elvenking, Elysium, Em Sinfonia, Embolism, Embraced, Embraced By Desolation, Embryonic Death, Eminenz, Emperor, Empyrium, Endo, Engage, Engorge, Engorged, Enochian Crescent, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Enter My Silence, Entety, Enthroned, Entombed, Entorturement, Entwine, Epheles, Epica, Epidemic, Episode 13, Equilibrium, Erebus, Erythuria, Esoteric, Estatic Fear, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Eucharist, Eudoxis, Eulogium, Euphoric Solitude, Euthanasia, Evereve, Evergrey, Evernight, Every Time I Die, Evildead, Evisceration, Evoken, Ewigkeit, Ex-Devil, Excel, ExcentoR, Exciter, Exhorder, Exhumed, Exmortem, Exodus, Exterminator, Extinction, Extol, Extreme Noise Terror, Eyehategod, Ezurate, Failed Humanity, Fairyland, Faith In Hate, Faith No More, Falconer, Falkenbach, Farmakon, Fastway, Fates Warning, Fear Before the March of Flames, Fear Factory, Fear of God, Fenris, Fetuxion, Fight Figure of Hate, Filter, Finntroll, Fireball Ministry, Firebird, Firewind, Flesh Grinder, Flesh Made Sin, Fleshart, Fleshcrawl, Fleshgrind, Fleshless, Fleshtized, Fleurety, Floater, Flotsam and Jetsam, Flowing Tears, Fogcrawler, Folkearth, Folkheim ,Folklord, Fondlecorpse, For My Pain Forbidden, Force of Evil, Forefather, Forest of Impaled, Forest of Shadows, Forever Slave, Forgotten Tales Forlorn, Fornication, Frameshift, Frantic Bleep, Freak Kitchen, Freedom Call, From Autumn to Ashes, From Zero, Frostmoon, Frozen Sun, Frozen Tears, Fu Manchu, Fudge Tunnel, Fulgur, Full Blown Chaos, Funeral, Funeral Inception, Funeral Mist, Gaahlskagg, Galactic Cowboys, Galadriel, Galgeras, Galneryus, Genocide, Genocide Kommando, Goat Horn, Goat of Mendes, Goathemy, Goatlord, Goatsnake, Goatwhore, God, God Forbid, God Macabre, Godflesh, Godgory, Godhead, Godless, Gods Tower, Godsmack, Gojira, Golem, Gomorrah, Gorefest, Gorehog, Gorelord, Gorerotted, Goretorture, Goretrade, Gorgasm, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Gorod, Gospel of the Horns, Gothic Knights, Gothminister, Grand Belial's Key, Grand Magus, Grave, Grave Digger, Graveland, Gravespawn, Gravestorm, Graveworm, Great American Desert, Great Horn, Green Carnation, Grim, kvlt, knights ov hell 666, Grim Reaper, Grimm, Grip Inc. Grotesque, Gutrot, Gwar, HammerFall, Handful of Hate, Harkonen, Harmony Dies, Hate Eternal, Hate Forest, Hate Plow, Hatebreed, Hateful Abandon, Hatesphere, Havayoth, Heathen, Heaven Shall Burn, Heaven's Gate,Helix, Hellbastard, Hellhammer, Helloween, Hellveto, High On Fire, Holocaust, Holy Blood, Holy Moses, HolyHell, Homoiratus, Horde, Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Hortus Animae, Human Tragedy, Hypocrisy, I Mother Earth, I Shalt Become, Ibex Throne, Iced Earth, Icon, Iconofear, Ill Nino, Illdisposed, Illtempered, Imago Mortis, Immemorial, Immolation, Immortal, Immortal Tears, Impact, Impaled, Impaled Nazarene, Impaled Northern Moonforest, Impiety, Impious, In Extremo, In Flames, In The Woods,... Incanation, Incinerate, Incubator, Indwelling, Infected, Infernal Hate, Infernal Majesty, Infernal Throne, Infernum, Infestdead, Ingrowing, Ingurgitate, Inhume, Iniquity, Inner Surge, INRI, Insania, Inside Recess, Insidious, Decrepancy, Insision, Internal Bleeding, Intestinal Disorder, Intestine Baalism, Into Eternity, Into The Moat, Inveracity, Ion Dissonance, Iron Fire, Iron Maiden, Iron Mask, Iron Monkey, Iron Savior, Isengard, Isis, It Dies Today, Izegrim, Jacob's Dream, Jag Panzer, Jesu, Judas Iscariot, Hasheol, Jumpin' Jesus, Jungle Rot, Kaamos, Kabbal, Kadath, Kahtmayan, Kaledon, Kalibas, Kalmah, Kamaedzitca, Kamelot, Kampfar, Katafalk, Kataklysm, Kataplexia, Katatonia, Kataxu, Katharsis, Killswitch Engage, King Diamond, Kittie, Kiuas, KMFDM, Korn, Korova, Korpiklaani, Kotipelto, Kottonmouth Kings, Kovenant, Krabathor, Kraken, Kratornas, Kreator, Krieg, Krisiun, Krokus, Kronos, Krux, Kryst The Conqueror, Kult ov Azazel, Labyrinth, Lacerate, Laceration, Lacrimae Mortalium, Lacrimas Profundere, Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil, Lake of Tears, Lamb of God, Landvaettir, Led Zeppelin, Leviathan, Life Of Agony, Lord Belial, Lord Fuck, Lord Gore, Lorde of all Desires, Lordi, Lords of the Manor, Lycanthropy, Macabre, Macabre Omen, Macbeth, Machinae Supremacy, Machine Head, Machine Men, Madball, Malevolent Creation, Malignancy, Manowar, Manticora, Marduk, Mare, Marilyn Manson, Mastodon, Maudlin of the Well, Mayhem, Meanstreak, Medieval Demon, Megadeth, Mephistopheles Mercenary, Merciless, Mercy, Mercyful Fate, Mercyless, Merlin, Meshuggah, Messiah, Metal Church, Metalaxe, Metalium, Metallica, Ministry, Moonspell, Morbid, Morbid Angel, Morbid Saint, Morbius, Mordor, Mortal Sin, Mortician, Mortification, Mortuary Drape, Motley crue, Nailbomb, Napalm Death, Nargaroth, Necrodeath, Necroevil, Necromantia, Necronomicon, Necrophagia, Necrophagist, Nile, Nine Inch Nails, Nocternity, Noctifer, Nocturnal Rites, Nocturnal Vomit, Nocturnus, Nokturnal Mortum, Nokturne, Nomans Land, Nominon, Nonpoint, Noothgrush, Nordan, Norma Jean, Obituary, Obligatorisk, Odious Mortem, Odium Immortalis, Opeth, Overkill, Oversoul, Ozzy Osbourne, Pagan Heritage, Pagan's Mind, Paganizer, Pain of Salvation, Pan, Pantera, Panzerchrist, Paradise Lost, Paragon, Paramaecium, Passage, Pathogen, Paths of Possession, Pentagram, Penumbra, Perdition Hearse, Persuader, Perverse, Perversity, Pessimist, Possessed, Postmortem, Potentiam, Power Quest, Power Symphony, Premortem, Primal Fear, Primordial, Prion Pro-Pain, Profanatica, Profanum, Prolapse, Prong, Prophecy, Prostitute Disfigurement, Psychobolia, Psychotic Waltz, Psychrist, Psycroptic, Pungent Stench, Purgatory, Putrefied, Putrefied Flesh, Regurgitate, Rigor Mortis, Rotting Christ, Sabbat, Sacramentum, Sacred Reich, Sacred Steel, SacriFist, Sacrilegium, Sad Legend, Sadista, Sadistik Exekution, Sadus, Saint Vitus, Salem, Saltus, Samael, Sanatorium, Sanctuary, Sanguinary, Saproffago, Saratoga, Sarcasmo, Sarcofago, Sargeist, Saturnus, Satyricon, Saurom Lamderth, Savage Circus, Savatage, Scar, Symmetry, Scatha, Sceptrum, Six Am, Six Feet Under, Six Magics, Skepticism, Skid Row, Skiltron, Skinlab, Skinless, Skinned, Skodde, Skull Angel, Skyclad, Skyfire, Skyforger, Skylark, Slayer, Soul Reaper, Soulburn, Southfork, Spawn of Possession, Spearhead, Sufferance, Suffocation, Suicidal Tendencies, Symphony X, Testament, Thanateros, The Abyss, The Accused, The Agony Scene, The Amenta, The Atomic, The Haunted, The Hidden, The Nefilim, The Obsessed, The Organization, The Prophecy, The Scribe and the Minstrel, The Sins Of Thy Beloved, The Sword, The Watch, The Wounded Theatre of Tragedy, Theatres Des Vampires, Theory in Practice, Thergothon, Therion, Thesyre, Thorium, Thornium Thorns, Thorr's Hammer, Three inches of blood, Threshold, Throes of Dawn, Thronar, Through The eyes of the dead, Throneaeon, Thrones, Thrudvangar, Thunderstone, Thunderstorm, Thus Defiled, Thy Serpent, Thyrane, Thyrfing, Tiamat, Total Eclipse, Touko, Tourniquet, Toxic Holocaust, Toxocara, Tragedian, Trail of Tears, Transient, Trauma, Triarchy, Tribuzy, Tristitia, Troll, Trollech, Trollskogen, Trouble, Truculence, Twilight Guardians, Twilightning, Twin Obscenity, Type O Negative, Venom, Vesperian Sorrow, Vio-lence, Viperine, Virgin Black, Virtuocity, Visceral Bleeding, Visceral Evisceration, Vision Divine, Visions of Atlantis, Vital Remains, Vitiate, Vlad Tepes, Voivod, Volition, Vomit Remnants, Vomit the Soul, The Weak White Skull, White Zombie, Whitehorse, Wind of the Black Mountains, Windir, Winter of Apokalypse,


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~Broken by the essence of grace, I have seemed to have lost my place, with an expression of death splashed across my face,.. I think I will dissapear without a trace~~A message to all those who hold me back, the vision of perfection will soon crack, of all the emotions that I lack, like the weight of the world beginning to break my back~~A true promise of my pain, that leaves me empty, bitter and totally insane, But that will all end as I continue to spread my trend through any message I sent, and reality starts to bend~~Breaking free of the fire below, with an abundance of power for me to bestow, feeling that explosion about blow, I see that hell will forever glow. The gates in which I stand, gaurding my holy land, shaking my creators hand, standing with skilled demons who have become my band~~The great gate of all time, never allowing such worthless slime, judging all who stand before, are they evil, ah maybe more. To most evil is a trend, put one peice of advice I'll lend, it's more than a peice of mind, and only in truth will you find~~We torture, we prowel, we kill with grin and scowl, you suffer then you die, and you are the one grace will deny. Gods to me are images of satan to you, either way the point is given much as true, but the deepest sence of regret is one emotion I'm not willing to own or bet~~Bound by what evil drives, The taker of many lives, Killing without a care, driving down the pain as well as the dispair~

My Blog

1 of 3 newbies

  ~Sample what it is to be my aggression, when I leave you broken like a shattered impression, I lashout with all my anger and my rage, and not even the law has a strong enough cage, maybe the b...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 03:40:00 PST

..non rhyming,.. and different;

It's never the way it's supposed to be, and they say everything has purpose, everything has it's place, but I beg to differ in this case. His name wasn't important, and much like everyone else he had...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 04:01:00 PST

3 of 3 newbies

  ~Forgive the dreaded theme, I'm not as psycho as you think I seem, sometimes the images makes em scream, but I assure you, I am no dream. Far above both sun and sky, I see the answers I can ne...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 03:52:00 PST

2 of 3 newbies

  ~So what do you think of me now, the image of nothing and a slap upside the head. The infernal screening from the living to the dead,... Such a prohibited action, limited to only to the subtra...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 03:46:00 PST


~I'm to Implacable~        & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp; &...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:18:00 PST

dont care

out of no where did I get the great impact of a sadness I can't escape, I feel like super hero with no mask or cape,... peeking out side of my constant maddness. being quarentined by handcuffs and red...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:31:00 PST


~Quit clowing around, I lost exactly what you have found, a few more nails left to pound, inside a coffin six feet underground, I feel the shadows that surround, taunting, flaunting,.. teasing me all...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:01:00 PST

you wish,..

~Screaming on, through this horrid, and unbearable pain, ripping my flesh away, killing the part of humanity that holds me back, and often at bay, heed the warning, as you ignore what I say,.. th...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 09:05:00 PST

another day;

'One flaming rose for the one that really knows,... how deep the fondness actually grows, as destiny and desire slowly creep on their tippy toes' ~As random as love can blindly be, it weighs us dow...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:13:00 PST

small group;

~There's so much evil in the world, not controlled by me, but now I am the exception to that concept of reality, despite what it may be, I am an open door setting all my brethren free, come get close...
Posted by Xv Omynous vX on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:44:00 PST