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Jessica DeLonge

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He's the love I found. He's my heart, my world, my soul, my everything, my purpose of living. He's the angel from my nightmare, the air in my lungs, & the blood in my veins. Just when I feel like giving up on everything, and nothing's going right, I depend on him, he's all I've got. He catches me right before I hit the ground. He saves me time and time again. There's nothing I could do without him. It's weird, I'm such an independent person, if I want to do something, in order to do it right, I have to do it on my own, but dealing with other problems... it's him who I depend on. He makes the hardest things, seem easy. He's the only one that can make me feel ridiculously amazing and happy. He's the only one in the world I can actually listen to and relate to naturally somehow. My attraction towards him is beyond description. It's so much more than just a crush, an obsession, whatever you want to call it. I have such an attraction towards him, you can't even categorize it. This man is the love of my life, the light of my day. He's the only person that has never let me down, he does absolutely nothing but amazing things. He's the most ambitious person in this world. He's the reason I wake up and get out of bed in the morning. He's the reason I go to bed with a smile on my face, and wake up with that same, cheesy grin. He's so beyond perfect, that I couldn't even begin to describe it. He tremendously has the best personality in the world, he’s the sweetest man. He's such a hilarious person, rather it being: a face that he does, a little dance, or just one of his many humorous, perverted jokes. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at what someone says or does than as hard as I laugh at his jokes. He says outrageous things, but that just makes him unique, because no one ever would say something so extreme. He’s not afraid to say anything, he says what he feels, which has inspired me to do the same. He means the world to me, he's the reason I’m still here. If it weren’t for him, I don’t know what I’d be. I’m nothing without him. The kind of person I am, reflects on him. The reason I say what I feel, the reason I believe that I could do anything if I just set my mind to it, the reason I don’t care what anyone thinks, is because of him. He’s taught me things that I take in, and use. He gives the most amazing, incredible speeches at shows. It's always of him just saying the way he's feeling at that moment, but whenever he does, I see the world in a different light. After everything he says, I hold it dear to me and never let it go, and after that, I always see the world in a different way, and I’m suddenly enchanted with more knowledge then ever. Every now and then rain falls, which will never change my attitude at all, not when he can make life fun for me, and make life worth living. I can never say it enough... but he seriously has made me the happiest girl in the world. He has the ability to touch everything in life; when he speaks, he always knows how to change it into something beautiful. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like he changes everything he touches. When I hear his unique, beautiful voice, I immediately am in a different world, on a different planet. I only wish he could see how happy he makes me. There’s nothing about him I don’t like. He’s so intelligent, his mind is amazing. The way he thinks is so interesting, I love his outlook on everything. He's so intelligent, and I adore that. There's no one I'd rather be in love with. He's flawless in every way possible. He's the reason that I smile so often, the reason for my existence. He gets me motivated; I can be totally dull and boring one minute, and the next second just because of him, I'm immediately put in a good phase and I'm totally energetic. He carries so much life with him. He's all I think about, he's all my mind wonders about. I care about him deeply, I always worry about him. I never ever would have believed that one day I'd care so truly about someone, until he came along. He's so beautiful inside and out. He does everything with great enthusiasm, and energy, which I love. He amazes me way more than anyone else has, he lifts me up to a higher place. I know that there will never be anyone so beautiful, so perfect, so gorgeous in this world like he is. No one's even remotely close to him. And I just can't live without him. From the bottom of my heart, he's the only thing that can ease me when I'm tense, make my insanity, sane. He heals me... with just one lyric, with just one speech, with just one of his stunning smiles, I'm cured. He makes me giggle like some sort of school girl. I don't know why that happens... Maybe it's because of one of his provocative stances, his perverted, yet witty sense of humor... it could be anything, but he still manages to make me more proud to say that he's the person I look up to the most. When I think 'hero' I think of him. When I think 'love' I think the thing that he showed me. I can never repay him. Not ever. The best part about my life that he has made so much more amazing is that he knows me. He's met me and totally called me out and knew my name before I even said anything to him. He recognized me on STAGE @ the show in Norfolk, VA on December 4, 2007. During his performance, he bent down to me twice and asked if I happened to be Jessica DeLonge... which I kindly answered yes. Then, he seemed in a different place... he smiled and seemed more energetic with his performance. And then, right after he came back to the crowd and came back to hold my hands another two times; and he never touched anyone else that night, but me. He took my hand, and that made it, I swear. It was like a scene from a dream in heaven. Sometimes it's so hard to breathe just knowing he found me, he picked me out of the crowd over hundreds of people... unbelievable. He has confessed that he's glad we met. And I've met him another time @ Warped Tour 2008... once again, before I could introduce myself he knew who I was. When I came up to him, he looked at me, and rested his eyes on me. He smiled. That was the best thing. The look he gave me was like he totally already knew who I was, no explanation needed. It was the most pivotal moment I have ever been through in my entire life. And after the smile, he broke the ice if there ever was any, and told me to 'Come here' and he gave me a big hug. Then we had a talk and it ended with a kiss. The kiss was perpetual bliss. The best kiss I have ever took part in. There's no where else I'd rather have been at. When I'm with him, nothing else matters anymore. I feel so honored, so special, and so internally grateful to talk to him as much as I do. He's the most caring person I've ever talked to. He's such a sweetheart to me. I've told everybody everything that happens when I'm with him, and all they can tell me is how lucky I am. I'm so aware of it too... I'm so grateful. I know I probably give him such a big head because how I always compliment him and I always put him in front of everyone, according to me, he's on such a high-horse, to me, he's so superior to everyone, but everything I say is so true, it's so what I feel. I feel like the sun does shine out of his ass. He's just different than everyone. And I love different. I love unique. He has that something you can't put your finger on about him. He's nothing that I have ever seen before. And I love it. If I don't live to be 100, if I don't ever travel the world, I'm gonna be just fine. Everything that has happened to me with him is better than any of those things. he is the BEST thing that Earth has to offer, he is the best thing that ever happened to this planet. Like violence, he has me, forever & after. I love him so much. More than anything that could ever be expressed.

My Blog

Perpetual bliss.

Out of popular demand of how many people wanted me to tell them what happened when I went to Warped Tour this year, is the reason I'm writing this :D Other than that, I just felt the need it was a gre...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 14:28:00 GMT