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â™  Simon [BPC]â™ 

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

"One thing I never said, I was truely happy in my heart and in my head" - Alakine Trio - Bleeder

I'm Simon Baldwin.
I'm a rollerblader.
I like piercings and tattoos.
I don't have a job, but really want one.
I'm a pretty nice guy, but i'm pretty picky about who I like.
I broke up with my ex like 3 months and i'm not over it, I don't want another relationship, I want sex though! (that makes me an insensative cunt inside)

Queen Adreena pretty - like drugs

My Interests

Rollerblading, Piercing, Tattoos, Listening to music, & chillin with mates in various locations.

I'd like to meet:

ROLLERBLADERS! if you skate and your reading this message me, i'm sick of hardly skating!Jaime WinstoneAny hot women of course!Women with big lobes are hot, not saying ones without arn't.


I Like lots of stuff mostly Rock, Punk, Hip Hop but I listen to loads of stuff if I like it it I like it... I know I hate the middle class wankers it was created for but I like Indie.


Just watch "Kids",Kellys Heros, Words, Coup De Tat, Romper Stomper, Human Traffic, A Clockwork Orange (Ultra Violence)..


I know it's all lies, But I like it! Shamless, Music Channels, Deal or No Deal is funny & Skins I'm just so sterotypical –verb.


Bill Bryson at the moment "A Short History of Nearly Everything" READING IS FUCKING KOOL!


Wish the dream followed reality...But there are some kool people in this world and my friends are my heros, they catch me when I fall (how emo am I????? :P HAHA)

My Blog


The Current list is as follows:Left ear: 22mm, 8mm and 2.4mm lobes, 1.6mm orbital, 1.6mm pinna, 1.6mm pinna the other side like a helix but on the cartiage, 2mm daith & 2mm tragus.Right ear: 8mm, ...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 05:04:00 PST


I really wish I could go back and do things better, I always seem to fuck stuff up. I'm sick of it, I just want things to go well and not look back at things and go "I could have done that better, or ...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 02:22:00 PST

Piercings and Tattoos

I do these every so often, you've probs noticed....so here is the newest one27 piercings6 TattoosEARS18mm lobes but had them up to 22mm so yeah6 & 5mm second lobes2mm Traguses2.4mm conch & 2 1...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:50:00 PST


While i'm at it might aswell tell you about tattoos:2 stars on either shoulder with explosion kinda things one side red yellow and orange flames other blue like water....England clothing lion with Wha...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 05:47:00 PST

Current piercings

I'm really bored waiting for a call from my sister, so i'm gunna write up my current state of affairs with piercings: Left ear; 20mm lobe with 2 layers of tape, 3mm 2nd lobe, 1.6mm 10mm orbital, 1.6 ...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 05:38:00 PST

Celeb Look-a-likes...

Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 02:45:00 PST


I got new jewellery today, so I streched my labret up to 2.4mm and I've got the jewellery to strech my traguses to 2mm but I won't be able to get the balls back in so i'm gunna go see the ledgend that...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:15:00 PST

General Life & Piercings

Well I'm pretty happy at the moment because I have money, DWP gave me back dated DLA (Disabilty Living Allowence). So i've gone abit crazy with the spending and bought loads of new clothes, a few pier...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:35:00 PST


Don't think anybody is gunna care about whats goin on with me atm but I would say that with how i'm feeling. I'm really pissed off with the goverment cuz i'm only gunna be getting £46.86 a week to liv...
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:16:00 PST


Well i've finally got it so add me if i've got you on here and you have it.....pierced_skater. Hope your all okay :)
Posted by ` Simon [BPC]` on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 02:24:00 PST