Past, present, future ... - AXISCONNECTION OF TIMES, incurring a great Aeon.
Not in demonstration of universal standards, but at the noosphere level.
Knowledge which is not transmitted by words, 'cause language and speech negligible and scarce.
Egoteizm together with the closed and unincarnated.
Impartiality - clean sheet on which the present outlook, assessment of past and future knowledge, because it atrocities own essence.
Unincarnation in the high spheres, the destruction of psychological and mental tenets.
Creation of supernature.
This is not a self-overcome, but self-penetration.
The destruction of all tablets, the gap threads linking and confusing.
Harmony created by SELFITY and SELFITY created by overcome.
The original source of perfection of the unbiased forms.
Building of a harmonious chain in the chaotic standards.
The personal revelation - not deigned but acquired, created all the same harmonious chain.
The birth, life, death - in a second.
Not the khaos of being, but the being of khaos.
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