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About Me

"In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."Faith Lehane is the third Slayer to appear on Buffy. Most often described as "a rogue Slayer" Faith fulfilled the archetype of a nemesis in the classical sense, serving as the dark mirror to Buffy--- similar but opposite to the hero. Series writer/producer Marti Noxon described Faith in terms of "the road not taken", a vision of what Buffy might have become if her life's circumstances were different. Faith was introduced in the third season, and played a major role in that season's overarching plot. She returned for shorter story arcs on Buffy and Angel, and played a moderate role in final story arc of season 7. Like many characters in the Buffy gallery, Faith was one of substantial moral ambiguity, taking on roles ranging from violent sociopath to self-sacrificing champion.
Little is known about Faith's earlier life. Her dialect and early exposition suggests she grew up in the notably rough neighborhoods of South Boston. Her father is never mentioned. She makes several references to her mother's alcoholism and possible allusions to childhood abuse. ("My dead mother hits harder than that!" — "Faith, Hope and Trick"; she mentions her mother in a torture secene in "Five By Five"). She also clearly suffers from trauma and abandonment complexes resulting from the murder of her Watcher by a powerful ancient vampire. Early on, Faith harbored jealousy toward Buffy ("Enemies") for leading the life she wanted. Jealousy later changed into self-hatred as she realized the power and accountability she has over her own life. By the Season 7, self-hatred had faded into self-acceptance; she had learned to accept the consequences of her past actions.
Faith does not show any signs of substance abuse, though she often suggests that killing gives her a drug-like euphoria, and even suffers from addictive withdrawal symptoms when she is not able to do violence. (as in the Angel episode "Sanctuary", where quitting violence is equated with quitting drugs (Faith: "I gotta be the only Slayer in history to be sponsored by a vampire.") She is seen smoking in Buffy's season 7.
Faith also displays signs of sexual promiscuity and an inability to share trust and intimacy with a man, describing herself as "a loser magnet", such as a kleptomaniac and "slackers". Faith was later responsible for the rather callous deflowering of Xander Harris and what may be considered the rape of Buffy's boyfriend Riley.
It is unknown when Faith was contacted and began training with her Watcher, though she appears to have been recruited as a teen-ager like Buffy (rather than as a child, which is considered ideal for a Slayer.) It is also unclear how long Faith had lived on her own before coming to Sunnydale.
When Faith first arrived in Sunnydale ("Faith, Hope and Trick"), she had been traumatized by helplessly watching the vampire Kakistos gruesomely murder her Watcher. She had run away from trouble since childhood, but began dealing with those issues after staking Kakistos.
Faith's isolation heightened when her new Watcher, Gwendolyn Post abused her trust to plot an evil scheme. She then accidentally killed the Deputy Mayor, Allan Finch ("Bad Girls") and went into denial. When it became clear that Buffy would confess, she told Giles that Buffy had killed Finch. Giles played along to avoid pushing her too far. The Scooby Gang decided to help Faith. Xander went to Faith's motel room to reason with her, but she nearly strangled him instead. Angel arrived in time and took her to his mansion and tried to reason with her.
Buffy's new watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, heard her crime and tried to arrest Faith with the help of a group of Council Operatives. Faith attacked them in the armored car and escaped ("Consequences"). Isolated and bitter, she turned to Mayor Wilkins, the Big Bad of Season 3.
For the first time in her life, Faith found a father-figure who lavished her with attention and affection. While serving the Mayor undercover, she killed a smuggler and a bookseller demon. Her duplicity was exposed when she tried to rob Angel of his soul ("Enemies"). She even kidnapped Willow at knife-point and wanted to kill her ("Choices"). She also killed a professor without question.
Faith then shot Angel with a poisoned arrow, deliberately missing his heart. The only antidote is draining the blood of a Slayer. Buffy went to Faith's apartment to kill her but only managed to stab Faith in the gut with her own knife, a gift from the Mayor. Faith jumped from the apartment building roof onto a moving truck and escaped ("Graduation Day, Part One").
Faith was brought to Sunnydale hospital in a coma. While Buffy lay unconscious nearby (having been drained by Angel), they shared a psychic dream where a pleasant Faith told Buffy that the Mayor's human weakness would never go away ("Graduation Day, Part Two").
Faith awoke in the middle of Season 4 ("This Year's Girl"). She learned what had happened while she was gone, gravely injured the girl who told her, then surprised Buffy on the college campus. Faith was angry at Buffy's attempt to kill her for Angel ("You tried to gut me Blondie"). After a high-octane fight, Faith escaped from the approaching police. She attacked Joyce at her house. As Buffy was about to win the ensuing battle, Faith used a magical device, a gift from the Mayor whose messenger Faith had killed, to swap bodies with Buffy. Buffy, in Faith's body, was kidnapped by the Watchers' Council's Special Ops team to be taken to England, while Faith (as Buffy) planned to flee the country. She was rude to Tara, who realized something was wrong. Faith slept with Buffy's new boyfriend, Riley, too ("Who Are You?"). She began to understand Buffy, however, and in her savage beating of her own body showed that she was disgusted with herself. Buffy managed to undo the body switch, but Faith reverted to her psychotic state and left Sunnydale as a fugitive on a freight train.
In Los Angeles, she rampaged through the underworld, stealing and squatting in her victims' apartments. She was approached by Wolfram & Hart, who had learned that a "rogue Slayer" was in town, to kill Angel. She then showed Angel her "evil" by kidnapping Wesley and brutally torturing him, but in a fight with Angel, she begged Angel to kill her. Angel refused and began the task of saving Faith's soul. Just as Faith began to feel remorse for her crimes, Buffy showed up looking for revenge, insisting that Faith must go to jail. The Watchers' Council tried to kill her. Faith decided to surrender to the police. She went to a women's prison, where Angel checked up on her regularly.
In Season 4 of Angel, Faith was attacked by a Bringer's knife in prison. Soon after, she was recruited by Wesley to help find a soulless Angelus and assist in restoring his soul yet again. She immediately broke out of prison, battled Angelus and used a mystical drug to infiltrate his mind while Willow used a spell to restore his soul.
Faith followed Willow to Sunnydale to battle the First Evil. She followed Buffy's command ("Dirty Girls"). However, when Buffy lost the confidence of the group, Faith challenged her leadership and when Dawn kicked Buffy out of the house, became a reluctant leader ("Empty Places"). Her first attack led the potential Slayers into a trap ("Touched"). Faith was badly wounded but was saved by the others. She and Buffy finally made peace ("End of Days"). The two noted that the friction in their relationship was perhaps due to the fact that under normal circumstances, two Slayers were never supposed to live at the same time.
Back in good graces, Faith played a pivotal role in the final battle with the First Evil's army ("Chosen") and could look forward to learning more about Robin Wood. In the Angel episode "Damage" it is learned that the two are working in South America with the new Slayers.
Faith and Buffy fought as allies at first, but there was always tension. Faith was a South Boston girl without much care for etiquette. Buffy was more proper and had everything Faith wanted: family, friends and a home. Even when allied, Faith felt like an outsider in Buffy's world. This was only reinforced when Buffy withheld Angel's return from her ("Revelations"). However, Buffy still trusted Faith enough to leave her to protect her mother at Christmas ("Amends") and even showed hints of being attracted by Faith's wilder way of slaying ("Bad Girls").
It is possible that Faith had a wish to return to the Scooby Gang and the good side. When Willow told Faith that she was beyond help ("Choices"), Faith looked surprised. While still in a coma ("This Year's Girl"), she had the knife in her abdomen and asked Buffy if she was ever going to remove it. Another dream likely indicated how she was still unsure about Buffy's feelings, when Buffy killed Mayor Wilkins with Faith's knife and then went after Faith.
When Faith returns to the fold in Season 7, Buffy is less than enthusiastic about her return. She softens towards the dark Slayer though, even sticking up for her against the Potentials. After Faith is injured after the bomb explosion, she and Buffy have a heart to heart and realise that the possible reason they can't get along well is because they aren't supposed to exist as Slayers together, there was only ever meant to be one Slayer.
Buffy shows that she trusts Faith with leadership when, after she is stabbed by one of the Turokhan's in (Chosen), hands Faith their Scythe and tells her to 'hold the line'.
taken from MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Slaying, laying, disobeying.


Rock as long as it's good.


Books? I don't read.

