Fencing, Meade Brewing, Archery, Fletching, RPG's, Reading, Philosophy, Digital Imaging, Photography, HAM Radio, Computers, Classic Literature, Psychology, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Medieval-ism, Sword Fighting, Martial Arts, Geocaching, Adrian Empire, SCA
William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Socrates, Plato, Lao Tzu, Bruce Lee, Hippocrates, Aristophones, Douglas Adams, Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Asimov. Yes I know they are all dead ... but i'd still like to meet them. They are inspirations to mankind ... and are the base of modern science, literature, and medicine. Three fields that define a society.
Of those still living ... I'd love to meet Sean Connery (probably one of the greatest actors to ever live), Jeff Healey (an inspiration to everyone having never seen a guitar and still be one of the most amazing guitarists), Criss Angel (he may be crazy, insane, and stupid at times ... but when you listen to why he does what he does it is amazing), Stan Lee (he inspired multiple generations of children with his writings), Chuck Norris (read his biography, the man is a great humanitarian). And probably a slew more I haven't written about.
For those of you from Long Island saying "Why didn't he mention Billy Joel" ... well there's a reason .. I've already met him ... had a very nice and long conversation with him ... I've also met a slew of other actors and actresses, so you know what ... you want to know more ... read and ask .. =) ...
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Carbon Leaf, Rush, Journey, Poison, Styx, Billy Joel, Foreigner, Queen, Guns 'n' Roses, Jeff Healey, random 80's music, various contemporary rock and jazz music.
Blade Trilogy, Lord of the Ring Trilogy, Harry Potter series, Shrek series, Highlander, PCU, Animal House, Eurotrip, Road House, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, A Knight's Tale, First Knight, National Treasure, Stargate, Con Air, The Rock, Hellboy, the list goes on ... if you really want to know shoot me a message
Highlander, Twins, Charmed, Smallville, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, American Dad, The Family Guy, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Mythbusters, Mindfreak, Bones, Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited, Forever Knight, Witchblade, The Greatest American Hero, and probably a whole slew more that I'm forgetting ... just ask it's easier.
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Celestine Prophesy, various books on Freemasonry, Harry Potter series, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy (yes I know there's more but the best was the first three), Kahless, Klingon, Day of Honor series, once again .. you want to know more, feel free to ask.
The men and women who give of themselves everyday in providing Emergency Medical Services. Our brother and sister service men and women who gave themselves at Ground Zero. All of our soldiers overseas fighting a war that none of us want to have to have fought.