Born in the back of a Greyhound bus (he is, after all, a ramblin' man) Godzilla McCluck began his life like most toy chickens. With a hatch cut into his posterior to house delicious treats, he was placed on a candy rack at a convenience store in Muncie, Indiana along with several of his identical plastic bretheren.
But even though he was then un-named and identical to his peers in appearance, young Godzilla felt a longing inside for something special, something different. And one day he found his calling when he was plucked off the rack by Surrender Dorothy bassist/guitarist Doug Boucher and his daughter Katie. It was Katie's idea to name him Godzilla and have him undergo the delicate genetic process of greening in a special laboratory. (OK, Doug's parents' place.) This process failed at first, leaving bits of green nail polish about. The second process was more successful, but left Doug with a bunch of green shit on his hand, leading him and Godzilla both to the conclusion that green markers are not the best scientific instruments for turning a chicken green. Further adjustments will be made until Godzilla can finally be said to be fully greened. We will keep you posted.
Godzilla is now an integral part of the Surrender Dorothy experience, taking cues from his mentor, Raven Nightshade McNugget, the original Dorothy chicken. Godzilla sometimes appears with his assistant, Salvadore Manilla (AKA Auxillary Chicken) to perform a duet on the riff of My Sharona together.
Few people know the cold hard facts behind the scenes at Dorothy, however, and it has recently been made public that there is tension between Mr. McCluck and his assistant. Unfortunately, Mr. Manilla has been in and out of rehab for a terrible addiction to Drano in recent weeks, and Godzilla had referred to Sal in the press as "a shiftless little cretin trying to ride on my coattails", "a degenerate swine", and "not good or even meaty enough for a dog's dinner." Mr. Manilla fired back with an angry missive in a recent issue of Rolling Stone, claiming that Godzilla is "a power-mad spotlight-hogging waste of feathers" and that he is forced by Mr. McCluck to endure living conditions that "would get those treacherous bastards at Tyson shut down for good if THEY were caught treating me like this." He also claims that Mr. McCluck has his own demons, maintaining that the reason Mr. Boucher is seen with so many empty beer bottles by his monitor is because Godzilla is drinking most of it up before he can get to it. However, there is reason to believe that Mr. Boucher may have paid the otherwise elusive Mr. Manilla extra chicken feed under the table to say this publicly.
When not performing with Surrender Dorothy, Godzilla McCluck can be found with his library of popular science books, educating himself in the ways of cosmology in hopes of being the first chicken to someday hurtle through the black void of space towards other galaxies and bring back news from the farthest reaches of the universe. Big dreams for a still young fowl, but hey, ain't it a better goal than stomping around the streets of Tokyo trashing the place?