Profile GeneratorRebelium has returned to life in Dezember 2006, after 1 year of break. The roots of the band reach back the year 2002 when, as Rebelium Sadisticum, we played our first gigs. Since then the bandmembers have been changing few times.
We may describe our style as a peculiar mixture of Death Metal, Hardcore and melody. Simultaneously, it is hard to classify us to 1 particular genre. Extremely fast beats, cutting, intensive riffs, monstrous growlings and deep pig squeals alternate with melodic solos and slow rhythms… That’s our character.
Now we’re ready to present you our new child: "Stab" – eight songs kept in our specific varied style! We hope you’ll enjoy it and have fun while listening to it.
Apart from this - We're ready to strike again! Stay brutal and see you on stage!