Edensands Management profile picture

Edensands Management

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Une bonne soeur refoulée qui sort du Moyen-âge selon mon frère ; ) This is so me that I can't translate it... sorry!Well I don't really have an answer for this question so I'll say I'm a concept... This could means everything... or not! I'm ok with that! So, I'm Nadia, manager of Edensands and to know more about them (yes, I know you really want it!!!) there are many solutions but one is to click here:www.edensands-band.com and if you have any question or request you can contact me on: [email protected]

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

So much people! But I could say Freud, Bernard Werber, a witch or a hermit... why not?

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LE CD D EDENSANDS EST DISPONIBLE : http://www.edensands-band.com http://www.fnacmusic.fr http://www.virginmusic.frVous le trouverez dans la plupart des FNAC, Bonne ecoute !!!

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