Jesus Christ is our savior of the world"
Washington, D.C. Temple
Damian's interest:
I love playing basketball, baseball, football, and kickboxing. I love going camping, hiking, cycling, jogging and rock climbing.
Duh! I am deaf and dumb! I love loud music with bass and dancin' with a cute girl!
Mask of Zorro, Legend of Zorro, I love horror movies with PG-13, Science fiction, and I like to watch any kind of movies.
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Ummm... I don't watch TV that much.... But I like to watch TV Sportscenter, basketball and football game!
Seattle Seahawks!!
Seattle Sonics!!
Seattle Mariners!!
BOOK OF MORMON, Any Gospel books, Any Sports news or Magazine, horror, and Sci-fi books
Jesus Christ is my HERO, My dad and mom!