Damian profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am proudly deaf. I love being deaf becuase everything is silent world. I don't need to worry about listening the world. Deaf can do anything execpt can't hear.

University of Arizona!!

My Interests

Jesus Christ is our savior of the world"

Washington, D.C. Temple

Damian's interest:

I love playing basketball, baseball, football, and kickboxing. I love going camping, hiking, cycling, jogging and rock climbing.


Duh! I am deaf and dumb! I love loud music with bass and dancin' with a cute girl!


Mask of Zorro, Legend of Zorro, I love horror movies with PG-13, Science fiction, and I like to watch any kind of movies.

img src= "http://homepages.compuserve.de/eierbox/gif/smurf.gif"


Ummm... I don't watch TV that much.... But I like to watch TV Sportscenter, basketball and football game!

Seattle Seahawks!!

Seattle Sonics!!

Seattle Mariners!!


BOOK OF MORMON, Any Gospel books, Any Sports news or Magazine, horror, and Sci-fi books


Jesus Christ is my HERO, My dad and mom!