ScottMA profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi everyone,While browsing the wonderful webpages on this site, I realize mine needs major work! My computer skills are minimal so bare with me, I'll try to update often to make this a bit more interesting to view.I guess the best start is a bit about myself and my background. I come from a large close family and have been lucky enough to have had the "Leave It To Beaver" childhood. While my Mom and Dad were definitely not Ward and June, they did a great job raising 7 kids and were wonderful parents.I live in East Douglas Massachusetts in a very rural small town. I love having the woods all around me and not seeing any nosey neighbors! I have dogs and cats and they are a lot of fun and good company. I am lucky to have a great family and some great longtime friends.I work in the biotech field, which I enjoy. I do hate the instability of it and have grown tired of the many downsizings and layoffs.....once the house is paid off, I'd love to do something fun, like a dog walking service or be a pet sitter......what a great way to spend your days...surrounded by dogs!I have been single more than coupled, but am much happier when in a relationship. I enjoy my family, friends, work and pets and am content...but meeting a nice guy would be a great compliment to my life, so I keep looking and keep my options open!I am hoping to make some connections through this site and maybe even a few "real time" friends. If anything I've said sparks an interest....please say "Hi"! Who knows what possibilities there could be :) Any suggestions for improving my webpage and profile would be greatly appreciated.

Myspace Layouts at / Walking at sunset


Myspace Layouts at / Fireworks at the beach

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well as for friends and dating, would love meeting people that are kind, honest and interesting. People who value family and "must love dogs" lol (not a real requirement but at least like 'em! How can you NOT like dogs?A wish list of interesting people I'd like to meet, hmmm so many really.......for starters:Kevin Spacey, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, Stephen King, Paul Lisicky, Mark Doty, Michael Cunningham (met briefly and would love to meet him again) Ellen Degeneres...just to name a few.As for people not with us anymore: my Dad, most of all, Abe Lincoln, Judy Garland, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, Ben Franklin.Plenty more of course......

My Blog

words to live by

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 00:04:00 GMT

Dating advice needed!

Hey everyone,  I thought I'd throw this out there in "cyber space".....any good advice for figuring out this dating thing?  Been single more than coupled and finding it very difficult findin...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:44:00 GMT

a bit of an update

Hi everyone,  Still trying to update this webpage so please bare with me........grrrrr want to add a song but having a difficult time of it.  Any suggestions?  While updating ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 18:55:00 GMT