Stephane Blache ~Acoustics~ profile picture

Stephane Blache ~Acoustics~

About Me

J'ai commencé a m'intéresser a la guitare vers l'age de 12 ans, j'avais un oncle qui s'amusait a jouer dans les réunions de famille et cela a su captiver mon attention.
J'ai par la suite commencé a dévouvrir une multitude de groupes Rock des années 70 par l'entremise de quelques uns de mes cousins plus vieux que moi et leurs vieux 33 tours en vinyl.
J'ai fondé et/ou participé a plusieurs projets de groupes rock par le passé.
Je fais maintenant ma musique en solitaire, c'est une expérience tres enrichissante pour moi quoique tres différente d'une dynamique de groupe ou de duo.
Mes inspirations me viennent surtout de l'observation de la nature, le vent, la pluie, le soleil, la terre, les animaux, les arbres, tout les esprits visibles ou invisibles qui peuplent notre monde.
Tout les instruments entendus dans mes pieces sont composés et joué par moi, mis a part les pistes de percussion et batteries qui ont été agencées a partir d'échantillons de type "loops".
"J'essaie de réaliser des toiles mais avec des ambiances sonores."
"J'ai de nombreuses compositions et cela dans plusieurs styles différents, alors je compte faire de fréquents changements dans mes sélections afin de vous présenter une plus grande étendue de mon repertoire personnel, revisitez moi donc souvent si vous souhaitez découvrir mes nouveautés"
Ne manquez pas de visiter la page de mon copain Michel Dore qui chante sur une de mes compositions intitulée "Brand New Day".
La page de Michel
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"What im trying to do with my music are paintings, but only with sounds."
"Hello dear visitor!
Let me start by telling you i have been messing around and playing guitars for over 25 years now."
"I have a lot of original compositions in various styles, so i intend to frequently change my player's list, visit me often if you wish to listen to my new music compositions."

I am not following any current trends, I think the medias are more often than not offering us the same old polished commercial stuff and it all sounds the same to my ears.
So I am trying to create things in a very personal way, for people like me who are usually bored by the usual commercial stuff and are willing to go for something radically different.
I sing and play all of the instruments on my songs except for the drum parts which come from:
Drums on Demand
I also record, mix and arrange everything myself using this amazing software:
Acoustica Mixcraft 3
Pay a visit to Michel Dore's page who sings on one of my original compositions entitled "Brand New Day".
Michel Dore's page
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds

For those of you who would like to help promote my Acoustic music, here is the code for my new banner seen above:
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds
Same Banner, smaller Version here:
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds

For those of you who would like to help promote my Acoustic music, here is the code for my new banner seen above (smaller version):
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds
Same Banner, Mini Version here:
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds

For those of you who would like to help promote my Acoustic music, here is the code for my new banner seen above (Mini version):
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds
For those of you who would like to hear me play more Rock oriented material, please visit my Rock oriented compositions profile right here:
Stephane Blache - Paintings with Sounds
Please check out my new profile i made exclusively for my musical collaborations with other artists here:
Want this badge?
A great friend of mine, her voice and music just moves my soul:
Check out this amazing radio station that promotes Indie artists:
Wanna kick back and listen to some fine blues-rock guitars?

My Interests


Member Since: 5/4/2008
Band Members:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

*** NEW! ***
My music can now be bought here:

With Fuzz you can Download my songs directly to your computer then copy them in your mp3 player!
Influences: All the great guitar players of the past decades, music being an universal language, i guess every piece of music i ever heard and liked, has to become an influence somehow.
Sounds Like: I like to think i sound like Myself.
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Pork Chops anyone?

 PORK CHOPS In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately,due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due t...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 07:20:00 GMT