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arianna todero

About Me

Cantante, musicista è insegnante di tecnica vocale e vocal coach nella Scuola di Musica SONUSFACTORY di Roma. E’ specializzata nello studio del repertorio anglo-americano. Scrive musiche e testi di brani originali in lingua inglese che arrangia personalmente. E’ iscritta alla SIAE come autrice e compositrice dal 2000. Collabora attivamente con lo studio di doppiaggio ETS di Roma per il quale svolge il lavoro di traduzione e adattamento dei testi dall’inglese all’italiano e registra colonne sonore di cartoni animati (è la voce cantata di Barbie nella versione italiana del dvd “Barbie Raperonzolo”ed è la voce cantata della bambola di Barbie!!!). Svolge attività di turnista corista per produzioni indipendenti e gruppi emergenti. E’ la corista studio e live di Piotta.Gruppi: “Xmas Carols”, “Soundforge” , “Make it Wham”, “Blue Turtles” , “Acusting”, “American Stuff” e il gruppo di brani originali IDRA
Music Education
2006 she studies of vocal technique and education with the lyric singer Elisa Turlà from 2005 she is certificated in advanced level II attends the course of Voicecraft method di Jo Estill
catching up May 2004 she takes lessons from the american singer of musical theatre Mary Setrakian (vocal coach of Broadway)
May 2002 she attends the clinic on logopedia for teaching with Livia Corelli
june 2002 she attends the clinic on foniatria with the Prof. Ruoppolo (specialist in foniatra of the Policlinico Umberto I of Rome) with which she collaborates currently
June 2002 she attends the clinic on Belt voice tecnique with Claudio Fabbro and vocal technique with Elisabeth Howard
February 2002 she attends a course of sound engeneering with Franco Liberati (Steinberg Certificated) in particular under consideration of the live recordings and of studio recordings
March 2001 she attends the clinic on throat singing with Roberto Laneri
2000 she studies the technique of Belt voice with Raffaella Misiti
May 2000 she attends the clinic on musical theatre with Carl Anderson
2000 she attends the clinic of vocal scat with Miles Griffith
October 1999 she attends the clinic on vocal technique with Barbara Leifer
1999-2000 she studies composition with the M° Umberto Coletta
1997-2001 she studies piano with Feliciano Zacchia
1997-2000 she studies vocal scat with Pierluca Buonfrate
1996-2000 she studies technique with Cinzia Baldana
1996-2000 she studies readings, theory and harmony with Francesco Lo Cascio
1992-1995 she studies opera with the soprano Roberta De Nicola (“Teatro dell’Opera” in Rome and Saint Cecilia) and learns the bioenergetics technique for the release of the nervous tensions applied to the use of voice(method by Alexander Lowen)
1986-1988 she studies singing and piano with the M°Scialdone
Artistic Professional Experiences
In 2008 pruduced her first solo album with the group IDRA
In January 2006 she records for the artist “Piotta” the album escaping in January 2007
from 2005 she sings with the formation “American Stuff” that res-adapt songs of folk/rock american songwriters
June 2004 she sings the backing vocals for the artist “Piotta” during its tour in summer
May 2004 she performs the backing vocals to the concert of the “1°maggio” in Rome
from 2004 she records the backing vocals for “Piotta” for the cd “Tommaso”
February 2004 she records the sung voice of the Barbie doll that will exit on the market in autumn 2004 (is the voice of Erika)
January 2004 she cures the adaptations from english to italian for the Barbie movie “The prince and The poor”
July 2003 she composes music of the jingle advertising for “Nuvaring”
In 2003 she sings as lead voice for the first one cd of the group “Xmas carols”
July 2002 she records the sung voice of Barbie in the Italian version of dvd “Barbie Rapunzel”
In 2002 she forms the band “Xmas Carols” that proposes songs from the christmas tradition
from 2001 she sings in the band “Soundforge” (dance music..70/' 80) exhibiting in dance hall and disco pubs in Italy
from 2001 she collaborates actively with the study dubbing ETS of Rome for which she carries out the job of translation and adaptation of the lyrics from English to Italian and records the singing voice of cartoons for Disney Channel and Sky channels (Madeline, “Around the world in 80 days”, “Strawberry Shortcake”)
june 2000 she sings the English version for the cartoon “Tsunami”
In 2000 she lends the voice for cd of the band Marron Glacés the Tv Mediaset Production
2000 she sings in the orchestra of M° Roberto Pregadio with which she performs the tour in summer
In 2000 from 1999 she sings in the band “Make it Wham” tribute band by George Michael and Whamv from 1998 she sings with the band “Acusting” that perform songs by Sting and Police in blues/jazz acoustic version performing in numerous clubs in Rome (Fonclea, Classic, Bebop, Renault Coffee)
July 1997 she participates at the rockopera “Lady M” represented at the Theatro Greco
1997 she forms the rock band “BLUE TURTLES” with which she performs in Rome
until 2000 she writes music and lyrics in English and in Italian who personally arranges thanks also to the musical acquaintance of the music softwares and to the practical in Hard Disk Recording (Mac platform).
She is signed to the SIAE like author and song writer from 2000. She performs as studio and live vocalist for independent productions and emergent bands.
Teaching Experience
She is writing a book about the vocal music styles and techniques that will be printed in september 2007v From September 2006 she teaches in her own School of Contemporary Music where she directs also the educational activities and coachs the “Music Styles”,“Singing for musicians”and “Musical Theatre” workshops
March 2004 she records a audio cd on vocal technique for the ApBeat Editions in sale in the stores in Italy
October 2003 she writes the book “On vocal” on the vocal physiology in use by the students of music by the Ciacmultimedia Editions
2002-2003 she teaches as vocal coach to “Newton School” in Rome
July 2002 she organizes clinics for singers for the CIAC School of music
from 2000 she teaches modern vocal technique at “Neuma” School Music in Rome 2000-2001 she teaches as vocal coach at the “Archimede” school in Rome
from 2000 to 2006 she teaches modern vocal technique at Ciac School of music in Rome where she coaches the singers at the musical Theatre workshop with which she prepares the Jesus Christ Superstar (1999), Hair (2000), Lady M (2001), Romolo and Remo (2003) and where she directs the “funk and R' n B style” workshop
from 1998 she teaches vocal technique and repertorio privately and is vocal coach of emerged rock singers rock who she follows in the recordings of the independent productions and she coaches actors for musical theatre production and auditions
Bachelor in Political Sciences to the L.U.I.S.S of Rome (Mass communication).
Specialization in Multimedia Editing at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome

My Interests


Member Since: 04/05/2008
Record Label: Unsigned

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