my profile picture


make me a bicycle, clown!

About Me

no bananas!

My Interests

people with good senses, humor in particular.

I'd like to meet:

conan o'brien to see how tall he really is.(whoever's got a 24 hr fitness membership, let's go!) I'm a newbie ;).


is a way of life.


"you motor-boatin' sonuvabitch."




Palahniuk, Sedaris, Albom, Dessen, Rowling, Sachar



My Blog


boo to people who steal!!!
Posted by my on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:21:00 PST

15 things you may or may not know about My Pham

1. Her head measures 21.5 inches =[.2. The Ring scared her so bad she must sleep with a nightlight - otherwise known as Nick At Nite.3. In 6th grade she sent a boy a candy gram. He sent her back unreq...
Posted by my on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:35:00 PST

you're gonna have to face it you're addicted to love.

i stay up late to watch celebrity poker showdown when i know i should sleep. it's an addiction, really.
Posted by my on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:47:00 PST