Super Lynni On Mars-Future Film
Shopping, Swimming and Singing
Step by Step!!Tuesday,june.5.08
12:41 amSometimes in life even if you understand something, you still are so conffused and as much as you try you think you still just don't understanding (fliping the dictionary ah'nah lol) but you are everything you do every movement you are doing, you are learning and understanding as you go along living life as long as you have your goals set up and know the bestest of life... I know its complicated but its true. I used to think i was crazy, But i wasnt.. i was learning something i didnt understand... It felt like my mind was working by it self because my mind was understanding but my heart was conffused i was lost in my eyes.I would stay up all night thinking and thinking and trying to make myself stop thinking so I can sleep and maybe dream it since I could figure out what I really wanted... I thought i was doing the right thing by not trying to focus what my mind was trying to tell me. But i was wrong everything what my mind told me was teeling me was the most important thing ever. Usually my family-teachers and few good friends tell me stories and try to show me the right path...teach me! but this time my brain did! Its smarter than you think yes its like your twin ur soul is you Deepest inside. Its something you should not ignore. In another word I would think of what I wanted and why and make sure I am not just lying I truly want this?? so its want you want with your passion, what makes your heart pound fast your imaginations just flip, so one day you may see your self really right there where you thought it because you attracted and worked your way up towards it... If you really want something you can have it but you got to want it and the only way you can get it is not with magic its with YOUR
mind and feelings especially good once... I did it before i knew what it wanted and i got lost i was thinking i got crazy because everything that was happing in my brain it was happing real life. I thought i was the only person you who thought that way, i thought i was thinking wayy to much. I didnt want to think that way because i didnt understand it stuff would just happen in a heart!! The people who knew about this changed our life for example Abrahim Linclon he told people he is going to stop the expansion of slavery but his mind had a bigger idea he stopped the slavery once in for all! There are many others like Abrahim Linclon who did great things so can everyone in this world..that is what makes you YOU-than Martin L.King my favorite as well as shakespeare... You cant always expect someone to do it how about you do it? Do you understand what im saying? maybe'someday I am going to write books of my own so I can explain dot to point up to question mark and so on... So if you really have something to say or want to do. Do it now before someone als does.Do understand it now? LOL' well i hope so-so-far..I try to work with my mind everyday when im sad,happy,lonely,bored,exited,loved and you know what it works, Because your mind is something you can never lose its like a bestfriend that always will be with you and try to deside the best for you (treat others as you would wanted to be treated) People say i am really Random but they say that because they dont understand me but if you do understand me i hope that you think positive and listen to me because i know i am only 13 years old but that doesnt make me diffrent at all...age is just a number and knowledge is something that is pure as long as you fix your hair everymorning..joking!! but you get what I mean...Sometimes even babies are smarter than's the feelings and purenes withing heart and sould of a person....So think about it! are you already thinking...??? Dont be afraid to startover everyday is a new day, sometimes I joke I say everydays is my biiirthdaay yahooo... You cant let nothing bother you much in life because its not going to get you anywhere maybe working at mcdonalds but is that what you want suffering for money instead of living life,creating your self, Having fun while building your life once and for all I know what i want and im going to do it Step by step. Dont worry it will happen one day just trust me on this, and you could too as long as you don't forget where you came from and follow your dreams-where your heart punds, Because EVERYTHING happend for a reason. You are the master piece of you own life and you also create your future as you live the momment so think right and follow be continued!!!!!!!1-Benita Pira.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'''LMAO.Well hello .. so im really bored at this momment so i decided to tell you guys something about Dane Cook and Mirlinda Baralia a.k.a SuperLynni=]I think SuperLynni and Dane Cook are secretly the cutest couple in the Universe!!Love yah!!!Defention of=
Dane Cook- Funniest guy born!!
[I Love You Your Awsome]Defention of=
SuperLynni-Funniest girl born!!!
[I Love You Linda i dont know how i would survive in this crazy world without you]See i told you they make a cuttest couple!!shhh'don't tell no body but they are secretly in love-hahahaha...I know Dane treats her like a queen:) it's like anything anytime she wants or needs anything he's right there for her and I think Lynni deserves the Best so have it haters.
They got so many things in commen its not even funny, their horoscopes even match as soul mates..gosh I just love them sooooooooooo muuuuuuccccchhh!!!
God Bless you two with 10 kids 5little danes and 5little lynnis' hahahhahahah i will be more than glad to babysit them for ya *wink*wink*
Dane Cook - I Will Never Be You
Legally Blonde♥
Americas Next Top Model,zoey 101,I know my kids a Star, Ghost Whisperer, spongebob,simpsons,The Hills,Full House!
Esperanza Rising,outsiders,Rules,Alcapone does my Shirts!!
Rock Your Space Layout Jacker