There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Lorks O blimey! My dear fellow, I appear to be trapped in Walford.
Daft! Silly silly silly.. it's so silly. You love it!
Member Since: 03/05/2008
Band Website:
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Influences: Synthesized incidentals, green spray paint, Glitter, the blue peter prop-shop and lots of gaffa tape. Make-do-and-mend philosophy and the begginings of Glam rock styling.
My face on your pants!
(A fine Noble version my one's self is Hard to dispel as an influence)
A brief "Phwoaar" before we move on... if you please. For One's 'Companion' is a great asset.
Not 'alf, Arthur!
Sounds Like: "I thought you said you took science at A level."
"I didn't say I passed."
Record Label: Unsigned