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I am here for Networking

About Me

Sir Christopher Walreign Augustus Caesar... who else but I is worthy of a name so illustrious, so powerful, so colossal? But the only appropriate answer to this monstrosity of a question is "not a soul on this Earth". As the bearer of wisdom, I reserve the right to remark upon whoever and whatever I desire, regardless of how crude my spurts of enlightenment may seem at the time. The tone forcibly omitted by my beast of a diaphragm has serenaded the most nefarious of demons, lulling them gently into their eternal resting places. To all, I warn... thou shalt not cross into my prestigious frame of reference unless death is what thou desires.

With this in mind, let it be said that if Angus Young is TNT, then listening to 'Wintersun' is an apocalyptic barrage of H-bombs.

My Blog

stupid notepad bullshit

Ah... good 'ol Notepad. Simple, yet effective. My sister's old laptop has some ridiculous presets on Word 2007 that I don't particularly feel like taking the time to reverse, so I've returned to my co...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:36:00 GMT


I'd like to take the time to point of that I'm an offensive, counter-productive jerk. With that in mind, proceed reading at your own expense.Talking to strangers? Yes. Boats in my Irelan...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:42:00 GMT

Sheer brilliance

Beyond The Dark Sun... For years I have travelled in coldness, but my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me...Nothing can ever take away what I've seen with these tired eyesFace of the weeping ni...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 18:30:00 GMT