So I read somewhere that Phil Spector actually wears wigs- which is still cool, but makes meeting his hair stylist kind of moot.So I guess now it would be Jeff Mangum from Neutral Milk Hotel. I wonder if he's as crazy as he seems...
I like music that doesn't suck. Every song can be a Cat Power song...
Best movies I've seen this year: No Country For Old Men, The Savages, Knocked Up, King Of Kong, Juno, Once, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, Death Proof, La Vie En Rose, Super Bad, Walk Hard, Darjeeling Limited & Lars And The Real Girl
Lost and Entourage are the two best shows on TV that I don't actually watch on TV. Daily Show & Colbert Report give me all the fake news I can handle!
I can't read, but if I could... I think I would like books about prison; specifically books about breaking out of prison. BTW everything here has been dictated by me to a helper monkey.Editor Monkey's Note: I like The Stranger
cowboys, they've always been cowboys (just a note, this was posted back before cowboys were gay(ish), not that there's anything wrong with that)