sonny brandon profile picture

sonny brandon

gods will be more tears

About Me

My name is Sonny, stage name Sonny Brandon. I am or deleting almost everyone on my page and using this only for networking and for my talent agents talent scouts directors producers casting directors and so forth. Besides that no one talks to me anyway and i got what I need for friends anyway I dont need a page to tell me it. Also how hard is it to tell your real feelings. i Do it its not that hard how come noone else does, whats the point in lying or hiding things. Im really close to giving up on people in general the average person is pathetic, there is more to life than sex beer how many partners can you be with, more bout life than money whos cooler than who. People needa get real. Alot of you who read this or will read this you know exactly what Im talking bout and youll get mad or upset and try to contradict me on it. GOOD LUCK. if a girl dont work out with me its not really shit off my shoulders cause Ive been dogged by every other girl in this world you get used to it. That shit bout nice guys finish last, HA they dont finish! not at all. Women dont wanna a nice guy to be with they want them as a friend and will always be that way..But Im me always will be wont change for anyone or anything. I will remain that nice guy, that gentleman like it or lump it I dont care anymore. But if you know me you know I can get rough and be the biggest dick youve ever met. All other things everyone know I dance do sports and a thrill seeker, as you can tell from previously reading I am an aspiring actor, model fashion designer, so forth. I love to cook if I dont have to cook I love muay thai and Im pretty good at it. ive been through a lot and i have finally learned why i go through these things i have also learned from everything ive been through, i have regrets and everyone should or u will never learn from what u do wrong. Theres more to me than nwhat people think, I look small, dont underestimate me Ill whoop your ass and enjoy. You dog me Ima dog you 10 times heavier, you come at me ima come at you 10 times heavier. I can and will do it..IM TIRED OF U BITCHES THREATENING ME...TAMARA UR LIFE IS FUCKED LEAVE ME THE HELL OUT YOU NASTY TRAHSY SLEEZE. Well I guess i vented enough you wanna know something ask I probably wont answer you unless its meaningful or if I like you or you are a person in the entertainment industry or if its lacey chabert cause i couldnt ignore her if i tried and i wouldnt either...for the sole purpose shes the most amazing person on this planet an angel sent from god above. ciao all layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

i have decided i absolutely love the look of belly chains on girls, that is by far one of the best things ever, so i play basketball i dance and mind u i am amazin at it, ive been known to cut a rug every now and then. i love art i do fashion design and create designs for other things cant tell ya less u ask, im into other sports too such as football and soccer tennis and i love courtyard hockey (thats on blades not ice skates) so i guess ud call it street hockey. i have so many interests i dont have room to write anymore but if ud like to know em ask of em ill be willin to tell u more bout me. oh one my biggest things is actin i dunno if i said that already but if i did then it really tells u i love it huh?
You scored as Sweet.
















<0Oio5Qc85xEKF=>What is your sexual style?
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full name: sonny brandon jacobs...sonny brandon for the acting world
date of birth: july 29
ethnictity: a mutt
major factor in your decesion making: future outcomes and my mumsy i love that women
most trust worthy person: well sonny of coure...i wouldnt lie to ya bout that
are you tall: umm, id say normal im 6'
happy with yourself: i am and getting happier
one thing you need to survive: love and the fact of unloneliness
one person on a deserted island...who is it: LACEY CHABERT
favorite quote: write that down....Van Wilder
do you act your age: sometimes...depends on who im with
wish you were younger or older: i dont really care im 23 and look 17 i have the best of both worlds...i dunno what it is, but i have it
happy with your friends: dont have any
any of your friends two-faced: im sure if they were real then yes they would be...naw the friends i have r good people
wish you were someone right now, if so who: i wish i was me...but farther and bigger in my career
if i were looking for you, where would you be saturday nights: home watchin movies unless i have some1 to play ball with
name someone you see everyday that you wish you didn't: i see two people every day and they know who so i choose not to answer this troublesome question
last person that told you good job: two days ago when we had auditions at my house
last words: yeah (replying to a 'good night')
what influences you the most: mumsy my bro and jesus
anyone your scared of: jesus and my bro cause hes a big boy
ONE person you don't wanna lose: my momma and my bro
could you run 10 miles right now: not straight but yeah with a stop here and there...oh but i do run the milein 3:56!!!! thats right member that
would you walk 17 miles int he dark to see the person you like: if her name was lacey
hate spiders: naw but they bother me with their nasty ugly features
like riding a bike: i do...if the seat isnt hard
what kind of car do you or your family have: many..too many to name
closest family member: moms or brother its a toss up
name one thing about the past you wish you could change: say nicole but she helped me grow up
are you excited about life outside of HS (if your still in): im out and there was no life in high school....its worse than the streets in there
first person you go to on a bad day: jesus then mom
personality type: funny sweet like that a personality hopless romantic is that one? thats me either way
are you sensative: very...i get labeled gay cause of it, that and i dance and cook and design clothes and so forth...but im not so quit thinkin it
describe yourself in one word: uuuhhMAZING!!!
favorite pop: dont really drink it but its a question so ill say dr pepper
favorite kind of tea: lemon...chilled and sweetened
favorite kind of gatorade: blue kind whatever it may be
weirdest thing in your room: ME
ever smoke a cigar: negative
ever tell someone you liek them even if you didn't: no i dont lie but yet it seems to not hurt people if i did
ever say goodbye to someone you loved: multiple times
gave up on something you shoulndt have: yes again multiple ties but im learnin to not do that
favorite brand of shoes: lugZ
is money everything: no
whats more important..the big house and wealth or the love fo your life: Having the love of my life is my wealth and that would happen to be Lacey C....shes perfect
would you skydive for free...if not how much would it take: yes many times
anyone you look up to: jesus my brother and the smart me
if you won an award who would you thank: jesus mumsy for pushin me and my fans
favorite pro baseball team: hate baseball less im playin
favorite pro football team: hate football less im playin
favorite college basketball team: same again...wait no, i love UNC
favorite college football team: none
favorite movie: wedding crashers or ANYTHING with milady L.C
favorite band(s): no favs if i had to say id say K ci & Jo-Jo
favorite teacher: charles buttcane u fileders know who he is
were you a good kid: of course....u can see a halo above me at all times
anyone you wish you could call right now that wouldnt wanna hear from you: L.C. she doesnt know it but she does wanna hear from me
place you wanna go to before you die: africa or ireland or japan or.....well most anywhere
believe in past lives: nope
ever doubt your faith: nope...well i have a lil bit im not gon lie
find inspiration in the ppl around you: not really
love your physical features: on the most part...y? do you?
hugged someone in the rain: i have
favorite eye color: GREEN!!
where are yu going to be in 15 hours: dunno dont really care either
where will you be in a year: i hope makin it big in my acting career
where will you be in 3 years: hopefully somewhere with l.c
where will you be in 5 years: again
where will you be in 10 years: and again and in 20 and 30
name someone(besides family) that will be there in 10 years: thats too hard i dont have anyone close like that anymore
someone you hope will be there in 10 years: need i say her name again
friend you could call if you had a flat at 4:30 in the mourning: Dale...if he was round still
ever do soemthing dumb to make ppl laugh, if so what: my mouth usually helps
favorite sport to play: basketball...and i LOVE golf with the right people
favorite sport to watch: street ball...learn the new moves...thats right you richfield ballas.....ull see how its done on the street...mitchell blaise...yeah u!
pretend to know what your talking about to impress someone: everytime i open my mouth...but i really am full of useless unneccessary facts
wish you could go back in time: i do but can deal without....wait take that back i wish i went to that stupid audition for Shermans Way...found out later L.C is in it and i rejected the aud....DAMN ME!!!!
name a date you wish you could change: none they r fine the way they r
name a person whos no longer alive that you wish you coudl see right now: my boy jan...miss u my brethren
ever run away from your house: naw no was too much work
ever hate someone: indeed
believe in "the one": i do
favorite season: fall and then prolly winter
better chance of hitting the lotto or lightning hitting yo: well ive been playin the ima say gettin hit by lightning...twice
do you golf: yes indeed...u dont mean well i hope...haha u know that steven
got any golf buddies: steven and hopefully....well i wont even say it
favorite summertime activity: ball all night
ever skip school, if so why: yes and no i lived far from school and when my car door froze shut in the winter i jus decided to not go
are you punctual: only when im on time...
teacher who hates you: none...u cant help the amazing
pray alot: i do
if you looked away from the screen you would see: bikes kitchen couch stuff honestly what did you think id say...umm theres a mountain and a river oh i think i jus saw bigfoot...c'mon
favorite athlete: michael jordan vince carter....and then theres...Sonny J
what are you listening to: last of the mohicans soundtrack song promentary i think
anyone on your mind, if so who: serious im not gon answer this cause if u don tknow by now then ur fools
last person who sat on your bed: me.....other than that i think gabby
think theres a heaven and hell: i do
think HS is a drag: it was a waste of time
wish you lived in a different climate, if so which: naw im ok i guess
anything weird in your car: nope dont have one
who would you meet if you couuld meet anyone: lacey chabert
smartest friend: blaise
are you an open person: oh yeah like an open book with a couple pages missin...write that down
hard to express how you feel: nope i jus do it
afraid to fall in love: nope dyin to though
whos one person if you had to choose to fall in love with: lacey
think your reputation reflects who you really are: it does u r ur rep cause u make ur rep
do people talk about you because they have good reasons: no wait in a good or bad way
think you need to go on a diet: no i need to eat more
are you creative: one of the most ive ever been round
do you like oldies: some i guess
think you will make a cool parent: of course
who will you call first when you get engaged: momma
ever been to maryland: no but i have an uncle there i should go see
ever been to cleveland: no...why
ever been to NYC: i will for christmas soon
ever been to the beach: i lived there
is the person you liek the cutest guy/girl you know: of course...i have high standards (people call shallow...but ur a liar looks do matter)
ever surf...if not do you wanna: i do and will
have .. nope
judge ppl by their looks: i have but not anymore
sex before marriage: i use to say no but ive failed and will try not to again
is your bestfriend a virgin: nope
do you lift weights: i do
do you wear make up: only for movies so its ok
do you liek chicken or beef: both KFC and outback steakhouse...mmmmmm
red or blue: blue
purple or orange: orange
green or gold: green
silver or black: silver....or black
the glass is...: see through
ever doubt how much someone cares about you: yeah u should have met nicole l
thistill thinking about somone...tell us who: lacey always lacey
will you live where you grew up when your older: i may have a house or two there
school colors: red black white gold..might as well have been a rainbow
dream college: none anymore it was unc
dream job: acting and its comin true
ever jump off a rope swing: i have and burned the whole side of my was a nice day
ever miss the chance to kiss someone you wanted to: i have
will you kiss them if you have the chance again: nope
do your parents aprove of the person you like: dunno or care...thats a lie i do care very much
do you use google everyday: nope hardly ever
name the person you like...seriously do it: I HAVE AND WONT DO IT AGAIN...GET OFF MY BACK MAN!!!!!!!!
better to chill at home or go out with your friends: depends on who and what really
hoping the phone will ring anytime soon: nope its late
one question you could ask god: why? if u were in my head ud understand
name a weird country: if i could name wouldnt be weird
what do you want people to know about you: everyone knows everythin already...if not jus want em to know i mean well at all times even if it doesnt seem so
will you tell someone something exciting tomorrow: nope
are you going to swim tomorrow: maybe we have a pool so i should its gon be hot
person you first think of before you go to bed: u already knooowww
name the person you think of when first waking up: no1 really
believe in divorce: nope
believe in homosexuality: nope!
liberal or conservative: hate politics so dont care bout either
hate or be hated: be hated
kill or be killed: depends on how the killin is done and the reasoning behind it
run or walk: run
love or like: love
one thing you will do this year thats HUGE: make it!!!...oh wait im takin time off for four months so well say it for next year
anyone you want to see this survey: whoever takes time enough to read it is good enough for me
think you will get what you want for your future: i do
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I'd like to meet:

id love to meet mel gibson and jim carrey, johnny depp, owen wilson, and rachel mcadams sure theres a couple others but they my favs, id love to marry lacey chabert or brittany snow, mainly lacey tho, they are easily the most perfect people in the world in everyway so if you dont compare as a woman i dont really wanna meet you k, k....but if you do compare id love to meet you cuz im tired of the party girls who do nothing but sex drink and cheat and lie get real and grow up!! im looking for my wife not just a the way that b day thing down there is by far the most correct thing everTake the quiz:
<43u3KK720M59e=> What type of kisser are you?

Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.

..Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your Birthdate: July 29
You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet.
Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings.
You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments.
You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action.

Your strength: Your vivid imagination

Your weakness: Fear of failure

Your power color: Coral

Your power symbol: Oval

Your power month: November <68cRzQ02u1OM61F2==> What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

All American Kid
Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school. <64p2NvWZDa89w6742K==>Who Were You In High School?what r u lookin at?..
You Were a Crow
Eternally wise, you have a deep understanding of ethics.
You guide people from the darkness to the light. ..What Animal Were You In a Past Life?


bone thugs n harmony all the way, but i do be lovin the r&b, kci and jojo are amazing!! tpains voice is pretty snazzy (yeah i said snazzy)


WEDDING CRASHERS!!!!!!! i love romantic comedies and then horror/suspense. all the movies im in and gon be in ..


that 70's show, YAY!!! Ha, i like a lot of things sitcoms mainly. the o.c is cool too ive been there so you know how i do, rules of engagement is hilarious and my fav i think. theres a few others but cant really think bout it right now you know how it is cant think bout it if you have to think bout it
You scored as The Beast. Your alter ego is The Beast! But that is only a name... you are kind hearted and sweet, people just misunderstand you.



The Beast


Peter Pan


Sleeping Beauty


Snow White






Cruella De Ville


Donald Duck



<1tH58nP73503ksSM=>Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
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i read the bible every mornin and night, but i love fantasy such as wizards and dragons and knights and so forth other than those kinda books i dont really read at all
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them! <0yZp331vL98H8t747Y==>What Is Your Seduction Style?
You scored as Sweet.
















..What is your sexual style?
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Jesus, for real. and mel gibson, johnny depp is smooth 2, owen wilson, mike meyers, jim carrey, and ol vince vaughn i need to do a movie with them and im sure a couple of others....

My Blog

my acting resume for casting directors agencies and directors

SONNY BRANDON                                   ...
Posted by sonny brandon on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:02:00 PST

which brings me to this

well this is the beginning of my book tell me what you think its not corrected and still  unedited its my rough draft enjoy   WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS Which brings me here to the comp...
Posted by sonny brandon on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:24:00 PST