Life is a path that we all take, leading to death. If life is a path, then it has many forks, lefts, rights, wrongs. Choose your path wisely, for no one will ever know your there if you dont. Enjoy life as much as possible, because this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.
Say whatever you want to me, just dont mention politics or religion.My MySpace profile is all my own HTML. I use Photoshop CS3. My favorite things to do are: draw, and listen to music, and create digital art. Art is a great thing, I'd have to say one of my favorite artists is Michael Whelan , if you dont know who that is, look him up in google. M.C Escher and H.R Giger are big influences on my art. My drawings are a combination of my style, the music that influences me, and my mood. If your still reading this, I'll tell you the most important thing "about me"... video games are my world, I sell video games, I pwn , I'm no noob! I like to listen to electrionica, techno, industrial , trance, and most anything except, I hate country music ! My favorite musicians are Margin-Of-Error & The Chemical Brothers . The Prodigy, Daft Punk, and Infected Mushroom are just three of my favorite bands. I love rain, storms, thunder, and lighting, because only when the world is crying upon us all, can we realize the true meaning of sadness...
I am a
Romanian: Viata asta-i bun pierdut, de n-o traiesti cum ai fi vrut
Translation: "Life is a waste if you didn't live as you would have wanted to!"
" I eat the whole fortune cookie, before reading the fortune. Thats called caring too much. "
"There is no genius without madness.
Madness is a building block of sanity. "
"Before I die, I will have accomplished one thing that others will remember me for, for generations to come."
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with nature. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that you wish to be happy, amidst the simple yet complex beauty of nature.
(your appreciated-comment here)