What I look For In A Man by envyme4lyfe
What I look for in a man?
Eye color?: blue
Hair color?: brown
Friends first or lovers?: friends
Money or Car?: both
Unemployed or Job?: job
High school grad. or Drop Out?: doesnt matter
Personality or Looks?: both
Face or Body?: face
Arrogant or humble?: humble
Quiet or talker?: talker
Kisser or lover?: both
Compassionate or Selfish?: compassionate
Rich or Broke?: doesnt matter
Picnic or night clubs?: both
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The White Bread Nuns
Band Name Generatori wud like 2 meet Emma Watson coz she is a really gd actress i wud like 2 meet all 3 of the main stars in Harry Potter coz i think there all really gd actors and actresses i also wanna meet vannessa hudgeons coz she is also a gd actres and she is a really gd singer well i wud lyk 2 meet all of the high school musical cast a href="http://www.thiscrush.com/tag.php?id=ame19" title="ame19's CrushTag"
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