COLOR GUARD! CYA Basketball, Mall , Friends, Scrapbooking, Band Buses (BUS ..2 !!! Horny Bus!) , SLEEP ! Cause of school I don't get enough , Animals
My favorite country stars (yes yes i know it's country)
The Ring ..1+2 and SAW ..1+2
Desperate House Wives, Grey's Anatomy, LOST, CSI, Family Guy, South Park, Simpsons, American Dad
Anything except Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings
We've been through so much shit together this past year but I wouldn't change one second of it. He's my best friend. When im at my lowest point he'll lift me up. I love him.6/14/06She's my best friend! I've only known her a year but we've easily become the best of friends. She always makes me smile with ehr lame jokes, we take turns doing homework,make signs during class, take long walks home, funnest driving experiences etc. My world could be shattered into a million pieces and i know she would be standing there with gorilla glue ready to glue my world back together. INow this girl needs no explanation... she si wild, crazy, temporairly crippled, funny, and shes partially my daughter/whore. She is Eberth. I knew we'd be the best of friends ever since we chased an ice cream truck all the way down stringfellow. She is forver my guard buddy and closest friend.She is always there for a good laugh. Guard days are the most fun (BOA rooms and 1 am room service) but even outside of guard we end up having a blast. Buying fish just to have them die over thanksgiving break, or on thanksgiving day driving just to get a chicken wrap. She is so amazing and i can tell her anything and knwo she will never tell a soul!Greatest friend since i was only a mere sevie... she is loud, annoying, will push between ur boyfriend right in the middle of a perfect kiss... but i wouldnt trade any of that for anything in the world... i love her!This is the funniest most random girl in the world. If u ever have a class with her i recommend sitting next to her cause she is alwayz entertaining. She is so caring and always lives to please. She is the most caring perosn i know...She is so awsome and so easy to realte to. So funny and daring... she is always the first to jump up to a challenge and will always be there for u in a time of need...Love my sexi lexiShe is undescribable! She is so out there and will sy the most random thing. She is always keeping me on my toes and makes me laugh ALL the time... i love my pimp! And she doesnt beat me all that much when i give discounts hahaThese two girls are so awsome! They are always helping me in guard and are so great! I love them with all my heart, they are always there for me in any situation and always good for a laugh or two... or SEVEN?!?!? haha 3 them mucho