Karaoke, dancing, traveling, skiing, reading, swimming, drinking coffee....
probably you!
Anything fun. Jack Johnson, Dave Mathews, Eurotrash, Lenny Kravitz, Alicia Keys, i love kelly clarkson, counting crows, adriano celentano, ENRIQUE, Karen Miller (A.O.R.), The Fray, Tracy Chapman, David Crowder, Third Day, Ray Charles, John Mayer.
French Kiss, Bridget Jones' Diary, Great Expectations, Can' Buy me love, Barbershop, Fallen, The Way we were, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Narnia, love and basketball, the stepmom, the wedding singer.
CSI Las Vegas, America's Next Top model, that 70's show, sex and the city, LOST, the travel channel, and sometimes the Seahawks or the Huskies.
la Santa Bibia, anything in oprah's book club, psychological research, the outsider, east of eden, anything by alexander mccall smith, will always love Roald dahl, I am loving Blue Like Jazz. Love to read but never have time...
my mom because i am turning into her and now that i'm older i realize how lucky that makes me. She is truly an amazing person in every way.
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