I'm russel. I'm 19 years old. I don't really think I have found myself nor my place to be. I love photography. I am a camera whore myself. big f..cking deal. I get bored too often. I feel lonely most of the time. I want to move with my BF. I like the rain. I'm really big on hair so I hate when the wind messes it up. I like drinking. I smoke some times. I love love. I think the hottest guys live in the UK. Music is also my life. I'm almost always online. I want to be famous. I'm a pretty nice guy...with people that treat me nice. I like all forms of arts. I wish I had a band. I drink a lot of water. I eat like a pig and never get fat. I don't think I could live without music. I love food. I looove cuddling...I could almost say I would take cuddling better than sex. I like hearing my bf's heartbeat (when I have one ). I hate when people ask em if I'm emo or hardcore or punk...I mean it's not all about labels you know. I'm a deep thinker. I don't say the stuff I think most of the time. I liek to feel. I take pictures to capture the beauty I see. I have really bad memory. I hate George W. Bush. I'm kind of superficial. I like languages. I like Tokyo. I like Mexico City. I like New York. I like L.A. I speak spanish and English. If you've read this far add me as your friend. I have no problem making out with girls. I like piercings( have 6). I like tattoos (I have 3...so far). I need a cool job. I wear womens jeans. I love tight jeans and tight tees. I need a boy with me. I paint my nails black when I feel like it. I wear eyeliner.