DatZeCHo AKA DevilSeEd.........................."Try and tame the beast, A rope from the lamp posts only way you gunna HANG ON STREETS"............................"I cant see ya skill like CLEAR INK ON A WHITE CANVASE"........................................"Ya SkillZ is Like ATLANTIS, THERES NO PROFF IT EXISTS"..............................................."I'm Demonds in the Flesh, Hells fire Seeping in my Breath".....................................................
...."My shoe laces is scuffy......Money's too lazy to Grow".......................................................
.."Turn ya Skull into a mess of flames like Nicolas Cage in Ghost rider"......................................................
."Family first, and dreams last." .........................................................NEC
ROMANCER COMMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............................
......Thank you all for your support and loyalty. ....................................www.rareentertainment.co