Nate profile picture


Goonies still never say die.

About Me

I moved back to the frozen tundra after spending some time in Phoenix, AZ. I used to work as a graphic designer/illustrator and had my artwork put on clothing sold all over the world. It was pretty exciting, but now I'm back in Green Bay, going to Packer games, spending time with my family, and catching up with my girlfriend after living apart for 2 and half years. Right now I'm working for a pretty big company as an in-house designer. I thought I wanted to do that full-time, but then I saw this video of a shark being eaten by an octupus...seriously, an octopus. My new goal in life is to make just enough money to pay for my new education in zoology. Once I graduate I'm going to work at the NEW Zoo in Green Bay and work my way up the ranks until I own the place. I'm then going to build a building in the middle of the zoo where I will pit great creatures against one another and sell tickets to witness some of the most epic battles ever performed in nature. If you'd like tickets, I am taking advanced orders right now so message me. I haven't taken any zoology courses yet so I'm not sure what the first battle should be, but I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of an elephant vs. 10 gorillas.

My Interests

Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Basketball, Soccer, Snowboarding, Reading.

I'd like to meet:

Porn-bots, to feel wanted and special. Although, I'm getting a little disappointed in the one's that have come around lately. It's like you guys don't even try anymore: a white girl named Ebony, drinking a beer under a palm tree in Washington D.C., do they have palm trees in Washington D.C.? Come on, let's get it together.


All time favorites: Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, NIN, Alice in Chains Recent favorites: Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse, Postal Service, The Strokes, White Stripes


No one really likes the movies I like. I'm big into the thinking man's indie films, so whenever I rent a movie, I usually end up watching it by myself. I'm a sucker for cheesy movies on the Sci Fi channel, not so much the ones about space and aliens, but the horror films that look like they were made in the 70's but were really made last year. My favorite movie right now is King Kong, specifically the part where King Kong fights 3 dinosaurs.


I don't really have that many favorite shows anymore. I'm not a big reality show fan and that seems to be the only thing on anymore. I really like The Office and Simpsons reruns. My default channel is always Comedy Central.


Any WWII book, Flags Of Our Fathers, is my favorite. I try to find time to spend an hour each morning reading a design book. Currently, I'm on the Art of Looking Sideways.


Reggie Miller: Bo Jackson: Micheal Jordan and whoever wrote this song: Point Guards that make good teams great: And the Next Generation:

My Blog

One last NBA rant...

...I was actually going to vent about Stern's moronic move in the Spurs/Suns series, but I stumbled upon this article. It's lengthy, but pretty much the greatest article ever written about the state o...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:49:00 PST

The American Dream, Watered Down

What is the American Dream? All dreams have their own interpretation, but I believe it was originally described as working your tail off in order to build your own empire and fully enjoy the freedoms ...
Posted by Nate on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:34:00 PST


I am going to start this off by saying when it comes to the war in Iraq and our political climate, I am probably the last person whose opinion should matter. I am just a regular guy who watches the ne...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:08:00 PST


Sometimes I wonder what people will do for fun 100 years from now. I never realized it, but until I recently moved back to Wisconsin, I haven't been around kids or teenagers in the last 8 years. The l...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:07:00 PST


What a joke. I'm not a Michigan fan, I actually hate both Ohio State and Michigan, but the National Championship Game and the BCS is so stupid. Is there any other sport in the entire world that operat...
Posted by Nate on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 02:55:00 PST

Soccer Players Are Wusses

I am a soccer player. I love soccer. I've played soccer every summer since I was 5. I played soccer in college. In the last two years I've played in three separate soccer leagues. I'm trying to get hy...
Posted by Nate on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 01:52:00 PST

Young Designers are Naive

I've started to notice that Graphic Designers complain, a lot. I think everyone gets sick of their job at one point or the other. My boss and I butt heads on a lot of issues, especially design issues,...
Posted by Nate on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:38:00 PST