Kevin profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

If you've ever felt like you've stuck out like a sore thumb on the foot of society you might stand a chance of understanding me... maybe :) Are rightiousness and deviousness a good combination? I can never tell. I am an enigma wrapped in the obvious. If you want me to make more sense, just ask. I'll do my best. What meaningful meaninglessness will I say next? Can God ask himself a question that even he couldn't answer? I'm way too far in the deep end, throw me a lifepreserver! Have I drawn this out too much? Hell yeah. I think even smart people can do the dumbest things. This is proof

My Interests

Trying to fulfill my insatiable curiosity. Questing ceaselessly to find inspiration. Anime, tv, movies, rock music, gaming, wasting time and space... hmm actually all of that is a waste of time in't it? I guess what I like to do also depends on the company I have

I'd like to meet:

open minded good natured people are ok in my book as opposed to closed minded people. Frigid and shallow people, blech! Its fun to meet people who seem as deep or deeper than myself to compare ideas. I also like people who have good senses of humor, so they can pick up the slack for where mine ends. :) I can also get along with shallow people who have a good natured sense of humor from time to time. IF YOU SEND FRIEND INVITES TO ME AND ALL YOUR INTENTIONS ARE IS ADVERTISING SH*T YOU SHALL BE DENIED!!!


as noted above, ROCK! Actually there's lots of music that i like Pink Floyd, Tool, Nirvana, Alice in Chains (Jar of Flies oh yeah) and the list goes on Rap and country music do not constitute as being music.


Comedies, action, adventure, drama, 4star flicks, i like quality, many many flicks I love. If I named some the others would get jealous. =)


i do like a lot of crap on the history and discovery channel. Like those goofy MythBusters, now I finally see what would happen to Wile E. Coyote in real life. Oh and Family Guy, Dead Like Me, South Park, Daily Show, Dr Who (new series)... ugh I'm becoming a TV addict again


why not? I can read


Steven Colbert, well I think of him more of an anti-hero...

My Blog

curious about somethin

If anyone is readin my blogs (and LIKES them), please do comment and let me know so the public option remains.If you don't like the blog then you can F*** OFF! You have the option of not reading it! S...
Posted by Kevin on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:36:00 PST

Noxious Gas (prices)

So today gas prices rose (as they always do these days) to about $3.10 per gallon. Not too pleased about that, even though I've got a little car that does about 25mpg in the colder times of the year. ...
Posted by Kevin on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:27:00 PST


so last week i learned that the place I'm living in is haunted...My room mate was telling me there's this phantom he sees walking in the hallspace between the bathroom and our bedrooms. He described i...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:08:00 PST

*blank* sucks and then you *blank*

Fill in the blanks, and you'll see how I've been feeling lately. You know, the optimistic thing about that old saying is at least you have something to look forward too. ;) Ah, it's just a nasty busi...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Insomnia is a cruel mistress

ok so I wont give up bloggin on here. Everyone don't all rejoice at once now you'll disturb my neigbors. :) For those of you who I haven't informed yet, I don't believe in having a mistress but Ins...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My new livejournal will make this one dry up

but i might as well post here too since I have it. Ah what a week. Here's some stuff I've learned from my experiences.... Pirates of the Carribean is a kickass hilarious movie! Jonny Dep running a...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bloody hell

The other night I had the worst nosebleed of my entire life. I seriously think I lost 2 pints of blood down the bathroom sink's drain I'm not kidding. I was told by a friend of mine that you should le...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Ah, thanksgiving was a fine gathering of my family.... for a change I didn't feel completely invisible. :) Its a long drive out to Wisconsin and back but the food was good and I ate a bit more pie tha...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Unbridled hostility

What is it with people? You leave them well enough alone, and yet they seem to want to come at you with a vengance like you killed their mother or something. What's the answer? Give them a reason for ...
Posted by Kevin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST