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ryan: ok ok fiine..im gna fill this in. hmm... our past. hahah well..how can u give 8 months enough description in a few words!? lol.. ok to the past. yep i knew steph in primary skool. she kicked my tennis ball in the girls toilets... ill never forget that hahah =P.. AND then some nice girl by the name of diana decided to introduce me to this girl named steph. ANYWAY.. i think shes made me even more random than i already am... hmmm wat else bout my past? iuno.. i was perfectly normal bfore i met steph Xp jkzjkzjkz. hahah NOW FOR THE SERIOUS SIDE. xP

stephy: In the VERY beginning Ryan and I were sketchy, confused really. We both told ourselves,"No more girlfriend/boyfriend" .."Our studies are our main priority!" And of course we were right in thinking that. Ryan and I both went to the same primary school; I seriously cannot remember that whole 'kicking of the tennis ball in the girls' toilets' scenario. After about 8 years we were reacquainted. That day I went to the library at 2 because that's when Ryan said it opened. Ended up waiting one flaming hour for it to ACTUALLY open. Then Ryan showed up smiles and all, with not a care in the world. And so I thought to myself, "I'm going to murder that boy!" And so I killed him. =) THE END. Hah! Such an interesting past, huh?


ryan: hmm.. the present. were together now.. (as unfortunate as that seems) =P hahah jus joking steph.. well.. right now i couldnt be happier with life. parents r happy.. stephys happy n im happy.. coz i have my music playing n food right in front of meee. =D

stephy: All this time of my parents building a brick wall between me and the opposite sex came to a halt after getting to know Ryan throughout the year. They could see his positive impact on me, shown through my attitude and my personal achievements. I never thought Ryan would wait this long for me. But I'm so thankful he did. At the moment, I'm still adjusting to Ryans undying love for his dear saxophone, jazz and food. But I'm happy to say that I've finally adjusted to the fact that he loves smelly.. old...ME.


ryan: the future...? iuno. the futures all a -dream- for me at the moment. hopefully it wont be too much of a pain hahah. i hope i growww taller n i hope i can actually sing properly in a few yrs xD hahah. anywayyy thats enough for meeee. all of u tc! ryan. =)

stephy: Only God knows what the future holds. All we have to do is place our trust in Him.=) In regards to Ryan and I in the future ..I really hope something happens. We've had no regrets, it's been one FAT learning experience and I don't see why it can't continue this way until the future.

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