"God ... comes down to see their city,
... and in derision sets
Upon their tongues a various spirit, to raze
Quite out their native language, and instead
To sow a jangling noise of words unknown.
Forthwith a hideous gabble rises loud
Among the builders; each to other calls
Not understood. ... Thus was the building left
Ridiculous, and the work Confusion named." John Milton from Paradise Lost (1667), xii, 48-63 "...we have to reflect on ourselves once in a while. When we live a good life, we should not fantasize too much; or else we would regret it later when it would be too late to come back. Usually in a comfortable life, people are likely to forget, and do unpleasant things or things they shouldn't do. Therefore, even in a relaxed and happy situation, we should not forget, indulge or pamper ourselves and end up getting weak and unable to survive in more difficult situations. Instead, we should keep our courage and maintain a balanced heart."
Supreme Master Ching Hai