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Kai Wei

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~ Kai Wei ~

Just another guy...

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About Kai Wei

Just another guy exposed to tons of SALES PITCHES selling business opportunities.

Been through countless self arguments deciding if those $4,000 Internet marketing courses offered by those powerful speakers is worth it.

After more than 2 years of failures and learning, Kai Wei's out to share his learning experiences with those still new to or are still struggling with their online businesses.


Age / Twenty Two
Status / Single
Hometown / Singapore
Orientation / Straight
Here for / Friends & Networking
Education / University

FREE 7-DAY Email Course, A $5,728 HEADSTART For Your Bizcome to the right place.

Or if you are totally new to building a business using the Internet, you are probably very lucky today. You seriously wouldn't comprehend the kind of junk there is out there, sold by people who just want to GRAB your money and give you little practical LEARNING VALUE in return.

You have no idea what you are looking for...and there people will be right there waiting for you, dangling their sales letters and BUY NOW buttons in front of you.

Having been through that learning stage...I want to help you avoid those kind of people and the junk they are offering.

And here's my gift to you, my fellow business builder.

I'd compiled a free 7-day Crash Course for you

I have squeezed in whatever I have learned about building a business on the Internet. Information which I found to be USEFUL, RELEVANT and USED BY successful entrepreneurs and millionaires who have experienced much success in whatever business they are building.

How to structure your business for the maximum leverage...how to use the latest in Web 2.0 to drive traffic to your site...how to write effective web copy...and so forth.

And it is FREE too.

I'm sharing all my lessons learned here.

There is simply so much I want to share...and it's impossible to do it here.

Instead, I'll give some of my most important learning points right here. Let's start off with productivity, tips you can use immediately:

~5 Productivity Tips~

Common tools and websites that I use to increase my productivity.


    A great tool to help organize my thoughts. I used it while in University to create module summaries, and to capture what I learned after reading the books brought or borrowed. I am also using it to GREAT EFFECT in planning my business structure and what I have to offer for my prospects. It's free too! I will show you a screenshot of my business plan drawn using Freemind further down the page.

    I'm a quite geeky...like to find out about great useful technological tools to help me in my work. But I don't like to install just about every neat software out there. I just install and use what I need, and Rescuetime just about provides what I need to monitor how I use my time. It has a cool feature allowing you to record every single second while you work on your computer. A great way to find out how often you are distracted from work, and by what.

    We all surf around frequently, and I find that I'm running out of screen space to bookmark all the great sites I have found.
    So I turned to del.icio.us to record all the interesting and helpful sites that I have found. Del.icio.us is also a great site to find interesting sites which have been voted for by humans, offering higher chance of visiting a site with great content. Overall a great site to manage bookmarks and find new interesting sites.


    I used to spend a lot of time visiting the blogs of the people I find a lot of value learning from. A very unproductive way of doing things since most of the time I'm loading a site with no new content on it. Using Klipfolio I am able to see at a glance if there is anything new posted on those great blogs via RSS.
    Learn and Apply

    Knowledge is not power unless you use it. Seen that screenshot above? For some months last year, I was simply mesmerized by the amount of information available out there about making money online. There are some great ones...but unfortunately most are just crap and junk. In the end I was mostly devouring useless information which I did not realize they are rubbish until I tried applying them and got no results.
    Or I was learning so much at a time that I just kept on reading...but doing nothing. No results from here too.

~4 Business Building Tips~

    Don't start a home-based business thinking it will bring you thousands in a few months.
    "Read On To Discover How This Site Can Flood YOUR Bank Account With Endless Automatic Cash In Days...Even If You Have NO Website, Product Or List Now!" "Insider Reveals Five Quick, Slick & Zero-Cost 'Secret Techniques' That Earns Him As Much As $13,150 For Just 2 Hours Of Smart Work!"
    Familiar with these headlines? They'll probably NEVER WORK AS ADVERTISED.
    So don't go into business because you want the money within a certain amount of time.
    Most of us new or learning to do business on the Internet come from an employee background, with an employee mindset. This is vastly different from what is needed as a business builder.
    So don't be misled by promises of "thousands within days...weeks..."
    You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. And when we are disappointed, most of us will not want to experience that disappointment again. This means that if someone attempt to achieve financial freedom, but ends up disappointed due to hype and unrealistic expectations.
    No doubt it is important have that Core Desire and to set goals now and then to make sure you are moving along. But don't set lofty goals about achieving thousands within months. It's not realistic.
    Further more...you start a business because you have something of VALUE to others, not because some headline hyped you up on some unrealistic possibilities.Know who your customers are...what is the pain they are facing...what value you have for them...and how you intend to deliver that value to them
    What I'm going through here is VERY basic. I learned a lot after reading books and listening to millionaires talking about building their business, on top of my own experiences setting up a number of online businesses. I can't put them all down here...there's simply too much. If you want more, I invite you to come over and check out what I can share with you here.
    Below is just an generalized outline.
    "Know your enemy." We have always heard about this, and it applies here. But it should be changed to... "Know your customer."
    First off you need to know who your customer is. Who you are going to talk to. The demographics...which industry are they in...what country they are residing in...the language they are using and so forth. You have to know your customer to speak in a language they understand.
    Then you have to understand what your customers want, and you will want to concentrate on URGENT problems first. When you offer a solution which solves your customers' URGENT problem...you will have better chances of that customer buying into that solution rather than offering a solution which address an issue the customer may not even know they have.
    After you know their pain, you need to know what kind of VALUE you can offer them to help solve that URGENT problem. Know what you are offering...that's an important part of your business. How to offer something which you don't understand yourself? You also have to make sure that you give great VALUE to your target customer to brand yourself as someone credible, as someone your customers will listen to.
    Next you need to know how you want to deliver that value to your customers. Do you want your offer of value to your customer be delivered in one single package...or delivered via a monthly basis? Or do you want to offer your value up front FREE...to let your customer know what is it like to receive value from you, before your customer is convinced of purchasing something more expensive/valuable from you?
    These are generalized basics. For me...I found that piecing these factors in together can be quite difficult.
    For a lot of months I have alot of all these learning points bouncing around in my head, but did not have any solid plan in mind. Ideas and learning points come and go, with nothing concrete in plan. I don't know what I was doing...and ended up becoming opportunistic and jumped at every money making opportunity out there. I wasn't building a business.
    It only last year when I finally found out about Freemind, that I penned down my thoughts and organize it effectively. My business plan and course of action built up from there.
    Click on image to enlarge
    It is ALWAYS good to know where you are going, so plan your business and think what value you can offer to your customers, how you are going to find the latter and how to deliver that value to them.ALWAYS give value to customers / prospects up front

    People are already sick of sales pitches. If you start pitching straightaway, you will not be any different from the thousands of salesmen out to get at their wallets. Especially regarding "MAKING MONEY".
    I'm sure you don't like being pitched to.
    So don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you.
    Build up relationships with your customers first. Just think about it...would you buy from a sales person you don't know, or would you buy from someone who you recognize as a trustworthy person constantly giving you value?
    Let your customers know who you are, constantly give them value for free, let them build their trust in you. It's a matter of time (in fact soon if you are really delivering value) before your customers will snap up any of your products you recommend them. Your business will experience real GROWTH. Must in-corporate the use of business systems to automate as much business operations as possible

    All of us only have 24 hours, and most of us will have much less than 5 hours per day to work on our home-based business, after factoring in day jobs and other commitments.
    So what do we do?
    Make use of technology to do the work for you. Use software and other online services to help you reach out to thousands of your prospective customers online. You can never run a business on your own. Either you have someone working for you, or you make use of the tools out there to help build your business.
    Here's a glimpse of how my own business works, and the systems I use to automate stuff for me.

Click on image to enlarge

~People I love to meet~

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The above chinese idioms states "The birds of a feather flock together, and you are defined by the company you keep."

I learned this idiom watching one of my favourite drama serials, and I found it to be very true in real life.

If you hang around with people who have no direction in life, you will probably end up like them. And if your friends do know where they are going, you'll probably follow them as well.

I seriously enjoy chatting and emailing people. And the above idiom sums up why I'm selective about the people I hang around with. And here are some of the types of people I find myself very HAPPY with. :-)

    People with dreams People who are working for the benefit of their loved ones People with passion People who have difficulties in life, are not procastinating and are doing something about it

I consider myself very fortunate to not have anything major going wrong in my life while I'm pursuing my dreams. I have to THANK my parents for that luxury. However I know of people out there who faced endless struggles and yet managed to achieve what they want in the end, and enjoyed the process of working and meeting great people too.

I truly respect such people.

However, often times I run into very negative people...be it in university, in forums, in emails, in blog comments...there are some people who just want to put others down. I'm sure you will have run into such people as well. I have my own run ins with such idiotic people...saying I'm useless or hate my friends just because of their hairstyle...blatantly blasting others' beliefs and thoughts.

And these people most likely have some problem nested deep within themselves. And they resort to putting others down to mask their own problems. It's unfortunate...they need help but they are behaving in a way that is preventing people from realizing they have a problem and need help. And sometimes they reject help due to egolistic issues, and continue to put others down to boast their own.

So right here, I will not be interacting with anyone who put others down. They don't deserve any spot in anyone's life, and their comments don't belong in my site too. I don't mind people criticizing me...I think all of us can learn something from crticisms. But I'm not allowing any comments blasting me, or others. Instead I would gladly send them an email to find out more about the problem, and see if I can offer any solution. I still have a lot to learn myself.

And if you have a problem with your online business, be it network marketing or selling other products / services...

You may want to click on this link to see what I can share with you in my 7-Day course, for FREE.

Do feel free to leave a comment or contact me on my email. Always nice to meet new people! :-)

~More about my life~

I'm currently a university student, being fortunate to be able to attend the Nanyang Business School at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Unfortunately as I was going through (struggling through...rather...) I did not have the same sense of learning as I did by learning internet marketing myself. I have been into Internet marketing since I enrolled into the army to serve my national service (almost all Singaporean guys have to serve), and somehow I felt I gained much more applicable knowledge compared to what I learned in university.

In short...I felt that what I learned in university is on the strategic level. The 4P Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Place, Promotion), STV (Segmentation, Targeting, Value), Accounting, Organizational Behaviour...are all great knowledge. Great stuff.

However I learn, understand...but I can't apply immediately. It's so different from what I learned in Internet marketing before University started. I learn, apply, see and evalaute results and I even MADE money!

Perhaps it's a mix blessing though. After learning tactical stuff in Internet marketing, combined with the strategic knowledge taught in University, I'm actually having a good all-round education for myself.

However, it got me thinking. The university did not teach us knowledge which is of immediate benefit to ourselves. Rather, they are teaching stuff which is of value to the companies who are going to employ us later. Or at least that's the general path most university students go. It is also what the university's curriculum is designed for.

The ultimate beneficiary of all our money spent in a university degree are the companies employing us university graduates...not ourselves.

We are just a medium for Universities to transfer the value to companies who employ us.

In my point of view, that's what the ENTIRE education system in Singapore is designed for. Educate Singaporeans and equip them with the knowledge to make them good employees.

As you know, Singapore has a very small population, and we only have a limited amount of talent, and our government have to make full use of whatever resources we have...which is the people.

And I have to say the education system here is very good in what it is designed for. Producing globally aware employees which will be of asset to any company based in Singapore. And our universities are among the best in the world, according to the The Economist Intelligence Unit.

But 3 years of my life and more than SGD$24,000 to get a piece of paper (the degree) only to secure a JOB working for SOMEONE ELSE at less than $3,000 per month?

And being re-introduced back to SQUEEZING with other employees every morning and evening rush hour just to get a 5 hour sleep, before the cycle repeats again?


I was very lucky to be assigned a desk job during my national service in the Singapore Army. I get to go home everyday, which means I have to wake up early in the morning to squeeze with millions of other Singaporeans going to work and later going home. It was a good experience...one that I promised myself I NEVER spend the rest of my life going through.

I want to be travelling around the world, building my own information technology & data mining business. (my BIG dream, after I get a solid anchor in my Internet business first :-) ) I want to be visiting all the great sceney I have seen in Sir David Attenborough's documentaries. I want to travel around networking and working with successful and powerful people.

Not just an employee stuck in Singapore.

The books "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "The 4-Hour WorkWeek" really help to make me realize what I can do with my life, instead of being tied behind a desk.

Most importantly...I want to get my parents out of their jobs and be able to do whatever they want.

My mom, working here in Singapore as an accountant in a US-based company, have to deal with a nasty boss and colleagues who are not as hardworking as she is. As you know, accountants have a really time-consuming duties, especially after the Sarbanes Oxley Act finally reached the Singapore shores. I remembered that December 2006, when the Singaporean office of her company have to reshuffle their accounting practices, I literally did not see her for the next 3 months. She woke up 6am every morning, and reaches home at 2am EVERY SINGLE DAY. That includes the weekends! And she is 50 years old now.

My father, 52 years old, works hard as an insurance agent and photographer. The latter job is particularly tough as he had to carry almost 10 kg of photography equipment and laptop to work. It is HEAVY, having helping him out several times. It is not nice carry so much weight at that age. I carried close to 20kg on my back before when I was still training during my National Service, and I didn't really liked it.

My parents are very powerful individuals, able to take great hardships. But I promised myself that I don't want them to experience that kind of life in 3 years time. It's sickening. :-(

Just can't wait to build my businesses to provide me with the financial resources to finally get them out of their jobs and do whatever they want. They have provided me and my sis so much, we just have to give them back something.

Alright! That's all for my personal rantings, and many thanks for reading my story. Pretty long huh? :-)

I hope you will have got to know me well enough. I'm sure many of us here have the same goals of achieving financial freedom through building online businesses, and able to give freedom for ourselves and our loved ones.

Does my story and goals coincide with your own? Drop me an email! I LOVED interacting with people who are working towards achieving financial freedom!

And if you want the 7-Day Course I compiled for you, here's the link again.

To all others and everyone, do free to leave your comments or drop me an email! I love getting to know new friends, and what we can share with each other. We all have something to learn everyday, and I look forward to learning and sharing with you soon!

See ya! :-)

Yours truly,
Kai Wei

~Top Friends~

Robert Kiyosa ki

Michel Fortin



Jim Rohn

Jack Canfie ld

DR. Ellie Drake

Darren Rowse


::Information Management Systems::
::Social behaviour::
::European Supercars::
::Nature, Wildlife, Plants::
::Great photos::


::Tested Advertising Methods::
::The 4 Hour WorkWeek::
::Harvard Business Review::
::The Economist Magazine::
::7 Habits of Highly Effective People::
::The Virtual Handshake::
::The Martha Rules::
::The E-myth Revisited::
::Guide to Investing::
::Cashflow Quadrant::
::Rich Dad Poor Dad::


::Infernal Affairs Trilogy::
::Bourne Trilogy:: AWESOME
::Hero (Jet Li, 2002)::
GREAT Cinematography
::Star Wars I, II, III::
::Forrest Gump:: Childhood Favourite
::The Incredibles::
::Toy Story I & II::
::Monsters INC::
::Finding Nemo::
Anything from Pixar
::BBC Planet Earth series::
AWESOME Documentary
::John Q:: Touching movie

~Favourite Videos~

AMAZING 13-year old British kid with GREAT talent...Very inspiring personal story.

I came across this millionaire while surfing around. I basically ran into a GOLD MINE. His teachings made me realize how IMPORTANT it is to have systems running your business. A powerful entrepreneur with a powerful thinking.

Another powerful business building expert I have heard from. This guy KNOWS powerful marketing knowledge and has great presentation skills too.

One of the BEST fighting scenes in one of the BEST spy trailers I ever watched. Realistic and exciting. The Bourne Trilogy is a work of art!

A great video showing you why Jeremy Clarkson is one of my favourite TV personalities. :-)


::My Parents::
They brought me into life and brought me up. :-)

Frequently quarrel due to differing views, but supportive of what I'm doing.

::Sir David Attenborough::
Watched his nature documentaries since 12 yrs old. One of the few men I truly respect for his passion and work.

::Stefanie Sun Yan Zi::
Famous Singaporean singer, someone who worked very hard and achieved her dreams.

::Jeremy Clarkson::
One of the wackiest, passionate (about horsePOWER!) and funniest old men on TV. :-) Always waiting for the next Top Gear series to start to watch him and his two co-presenters.

::Sergey Brin:: ::Larry Page::
Founders of the world's most powerful info-tech company. Great men who were able to organize world's information for the messes. Delivered great value to the world.

Their power may be monopolistic to some...but hack, I enjoyed using their FREE GMail and Analytics.

::Liu Yi Fei::
Young Chinese Actress, a beautiful person who worked hard to realize her acting passion.

When she was 17 yrs old, went through 7 months of very HARD work acting in drama serial "Return of the Condor Heroes 2006", with almost no weekend breaks and little sleep. Once acted for 48 hrs non-stop.

And the acting scenes aren't just talking ones...most of the time she's suspended on some wires doing fighting scenes

Very motivated and driven professional.

What was I doing when I was 17 yrs old? Still playing computer games...


::Savage Garden::
Pity they broke up :-(
::James Blunt::
You're Beautiful
::Stafanie Sun::
::Jacky Cheung::
::Andy Lau::
::Bee Gees::
How Deep Is Your Love
More Than A Woman


Drop me a comment. I am always keen to hear a friendly voice. Comments will not apear on this page though I will recieve them.

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