Music, Art, Reading, Writing, Anime/manga, Philosophy, Eastern Culture, Martial Arts, Swordsmanship, People, etc.
People who, even after they get to know me, like me anyway.
People who don't try to force their beliefs on other people.
People who are strong of heart.
People who are honest.
People who are intelligent (yes, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed)
But mostly, people who are themselves.
Pretty much anything, depending on my mood. I dont like a whole lot of cunt-ry, but some country is okay. Not a big fan of R&B or hip hop, but I can tolerate some. I like some rap, and most rock, be it grunge, metal, alternative, punk, and even some hardcore and emo stuff. I don't see much point in listing. I just love music. I don't see the point in limiting something as important as music to any one genre.
Basically anything except most romantic comedies, religious movies, and movies like the Hills Have Eyes.
Anime. That just about sums up my television time. I don't watch much else except Invader Zim, comedy central, and G4.
The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan), The Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice), LOTR (JRR Tolkein), Michael Crichton's books (Michael Crichton lol), Eragon (Christopher Paolini), Xanth (Piers Anthony). Lots of manga. I also have a long list of books yet to read including The phantom of the Opera, The count of Monte Cristo, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, The Dragonlance Chronicles, The Sword of Truth books, etc.